First you need to stay away from to they copy post from internet, if you stay away from that one and no even copy something from any body way u feel say sabi the thing or get idea about Watin u wan talk.
Just carry your bear offer Watin ur head fit carry, our brain they different so we not fit talk same thing all at ones come be say the sentence go still be the same so eh no possible, if you they alway right from your head then you no net worth about plagiarism, plagiarism nah to copy from Watin another person talk here or aside here, come present am like say nah ur own.
For the side of quality post, my own be say person no fit talk pass the way him brain go carry, so you just gat they original and organic, write Watin you sabi forget the one way you no sabi, ask question where you confuse and leave the rest, the more you they read and come across things for the forum nah the more your brain go they learn more nah so u go they carry those idea grow your post too, nah just matter of time eh don finish, just learn how to train and educate your self and way of thinking eh go help.