I never once bitched at you for having a question about 'what are the names? or what is it called? etc' .. I bitched at you because your being stupid ABOUT the names ... it's not what you want because it's DIFFERENT .. then yes .. I'm bitching at you for that ...
I never said anything about what
I wanted it to be. I was working within the parameters I was given to point out the inconvenience of lack of terminology. I hope it's spelled out for you now.
but if your just complaining about the current name (as you are) BECAUSE you may have to THINK .. then hell yes I'm going to bitch you out for letting yourself get hit by the STUPID STICK.
Again, nope, just pointing out the fact that the terminology doesn't exist. And I have no problem thinking. In fact I was pointing out that no one had thought of what to call anything below .01. If someone said that the adopted standard was "point zero zero zero one" bitcoins I would have no problem with that. I
think there could be a better and simpler way to represent it than that.
There are hundreds of currencies (and sub-units) on Earth ... Euro, Yen, Pound, Quid and MANY others .. but for some reason ONLY the U.S. and Canadian people seam to be to limited and narrow minded to expand themselves to understand that there is MORE on Earth than themselves and some of it is actually DIVERSE.
I am familiar with most of the worlds major currencies and their value relative to mine have possessed a few different ones in my lifetime.