Taking loan can change your life or put you in more troubles, I'm more familiar with taking loan to establish a real life business but not for crypto, taking loan for crypto is high risk plan and I'm so against it
Taking a loan without any proper education with investment that you'll going to invest your loan money is just like throwing
your money away.
But if you have good knowledge and you are willing to take the risk with something that you fully believe then it's not a bad
decision if ever that you borrow money.
The only thing that weight things out is your capabilities to handle pressures and the knowledge based on the actual situations.
It's also a risky investment, but it will be a lot safer than cryptocurrency. I also borrowed money to run a business, which made it difficult for me at the beginning but I quickly got over it. I have never borrowed money to invest in this market because it is too risky. The price could collapse at any time and make me lose
The volatility inside the market makes investors to think twice entering to this industry, though it's also gives opportunities
to those who are good in assessing the trends.
Invest only if you know all the grounds behind the investment venue that you'll going to take.