I will bet any of you Google's ledger based coin will rapidly be adopted far larger than all altcoins combined.
They basically did a free version of Paypal guys.
I'd love to see them add the "token" to some sort of exchanges too.
most likely but will people hold Google wallet balance for investments? Not a chance.
AHHH now see i lured you all into the root of the matter.
This often repeated comment here sums it up nicely... "they are like penny stocks"
Well ?
Google's stock is on NASDAQ at around $900
So.... it *IS* a coin according to your definitions
What we then have to point out and address i think is NASDAQ etc vs unregulated crypto exchanges.
That right there is an underlying burning issue at the heart of all this coin stuff.
With the notable difference being one is regulated and one is not.
So if you want to do a fair comparison you can say a Ripple token or say Maidsafe is a hell of a lot like Google's coin and their NASDAQ stock.
Hey.. it's all of you who chant that these coins are a business and scream ICO / IPO / ITO and White Paper etc for your BUSINESS.
Ripple inc vs Alphabet inc ?
See i have been disgusted with the emergence of treating these things like "penny stocks"
Running ICO's and saying they are business's ?
And you have too.. i got threatened via PM before from a coin dev where he said that word for word.
He called his coin cloning "his business"
And then we have crypto-exchanges which are in fact business's designed to make money.
If you can step back and look at all of this stuff from all sides you see a fallacy.
A desire to PRETEND a lot that an ICO is a company stock etc.
If that is true then Google's is just as legit ..if not more so !
Why would any of this matter ?
The public !
It's the general public's interest we are investing with XYZ coin.
If a similar type of service or coin system emerges that rivals Bitcoin and any Altcoins then there is a problem.
Know what i see people is the larger tech world out there seeing what has been happening here for 8 years roughly and Google's news here mentioned is a reflection and reaction.
This should speak volumes to you all !
If Google thought it was going to be beneficial or popular for CURRENCY USERS to mimic a crypto coin they would have !
But they didn't.
Instead they went the Paypal style ledger route.. why ?
It's sort of like how a normal banks works and the various difference i think were looked at and they then deiced what was needed or wanted and for whom Google or the customer.
Get what i am driving at ?
I am saying the difference here between Google's pseudo coin and their stock on NASDAQ vs the typical crypto coin *IS* in fact the message you should be hearing.
In other words it does not bode very well that Google made it's decision and it was to make it's own ledger based banking system like Ripple did.
What i'm Reeeally saying is.. Look at the crypto coins and those difference highlighted here and think about whether they are actually needed and / or wanted by the public at large.
I long ago thought this all was a great start but after an estimated 8 years we have seen no major changes or increased adoption levels just an emergence of an unregulated ponzi/pyramid scheme coin market system.
Meanwhile the Apple's and Google's etc out there carried on to address a need and desire...
a working digital..
Does the definition of digital currency demand it be traded on Poloniex ? Is that a rule ?
And what was the big goal of Bitcoin people that caused the big rise ? getting on stock exchanges ?
Well guess the fuck what Investards.. Google just beat you suckers to it
Google coin = $900 each est.
Ripple inc. = Traded on Crypto Exchanges.
Alphabet inc. = Traded on official Stock Exchanges.