Da ich Electrum soeben auf die neue Version geupdatet habe hier der Hinweis auf diese Version.
Die letzte Erwähnung war V 4.3 und was seither passiert ist könnt ihr hier nachlesen:
# Release 4.3.3 - (January 3, 2023)
* Lightning:
- fix handling failed HTLCs in gossip-based routing (#7995)
- fix LN cooperative-chan-close to witness v1 addr (#8012)
* PSBTs:
- never put ypub/zpub in psbts, only plain xpubs (#8036)
- for witness v0 txins, put both UTXO and WIT_UTXO in psbt (#8039)
* Hardware wallets:
- Trezor: optimize signing speed by not serializing tx (#8058)
- Ledger:
- modify plugin to support new bitcoin app v2.1.0 (#8041),
- added a deprecation warning when using Ledger HW.1 devices.
Ledger itself stopped supporting HW.1 some years ago, and it is
becoming a maintenance burden for us to keep supporting it.
Please migrate away from these devices. Support will be removed
in a future release.
* Binaries:
- tighten build system to only use source pkgs in more places
(#7999, #8000)
- Windows:
- use debian makensis instead of upstream windows exe (#8057)
- stop using debian sid, build missing dep instead (98d29cba)
- AppImage: fix failing to run on certain systems (#8011)
* commands:
- getinfo() to show if running in testnet mode (#8044)
- add a "convert_currency" command (for fiat FX rate) (#8091)
* Qt wizard: fix QR code not shown during 2fa wallet creation (#8071)
* rework Tor-socks-proxy detection to reduce Tor-log-spam (#7317)
* Android: add setting to enable debug logs (#7409)
* fix payserver (merchant) js for electrum 4.3 invoice api (0fc90e07)
* bip21: more robust handling of URIs that include a "lightning" key
(ac1d53f0, 2fd762c3, #8047)
# Release 4.3.2 - (September 26, 2022)
* When creating new requests, reuse addresses of expired requests
(fixes #7927).
* Index requests by ID instead of receiving address. This affects the
following commands: get_request, get_invoice, list_requests,
list_invoices, delete_request, delete_invoice
* Trampoline routing: remember routes that have failed. Try other
routes instead of systematically raising tampoline fees.
* Fix sweep to_local output from channel backup (#7959)
* Harden build script for macOS binary: avoid using
precompiled wheels from PyPI for most packages (#7918)
* The Windows/AppImage/Android binaries are now built on debian using
the snapshot.debian.org archive instead of ubuntu. This should help
with historical reproducibility. (#7926)
# Release 4.3.1 - (August 17, 2022)
* build: we now also distribute a "source-only"
Linux-packager-friendly tarball (d0de44a7, #7594), in addition
to the current "normal" tarball. The "source-only" tarball excludes
compiled locale files, generated protobuf files, and does not
vendor our runtime python dependencies (the packages/ folder).
* fix os.chmod when running in tmpfs on Linux (#7681)
* (Qt GUI) some improvements for high-DPI monitors (38881129)
* bring kivy request dialog more in-line with Qt (#7929)
* rm support of "legacy" (without static_remotekey) LN channels.
Opening these channels were never supported in a release version,
only during development prior to the first lightning-capable
release. Wallets with such channels will have to close them.
(1f403d1c, 7b8e257e)
* Qt: fix duplication of some OS notifications on onchain txs (#7943)
* fix multiple recent regressions:
- handle NotEnoughFunds when trying to pay LN invoice (#7920)
- handle NotEnoughFunds when trying to open LN channel (#7921)
- labels of payment requests were not propagated to
history/addresses (#7919)
- better default labels of outgoing txs (#7942)
- kivy: dust-valued requests could not be created for LN (#7928)
- when closing LN channels, future (timelocked) txs were not
shown in history (#7930)
- kivy: fix deleting "local" tx from history (#7933)
- kivy: fix paying amountless LN invoice (#7935)
- Qt: better handle unparseable URIs (#7941)
Quelle: https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/blob/master/RELEASE-NOTESDownload kann hier durchgeführt werden:
https://electrum.org/#downloadDatei vor Installation bitte prüfen!