It is to note that some blockchains have attempted to provide fee-less transactions but in reality just hiding the fee’s elsewhere, either by making you pay for it at home or making others pay it for you, in which both aren’t a healthy practice.
These days obtaining privacy is costly with tumblers charging anywhere from 1-5% of the funds being tumbled, yes that is a really big cut. Monero also charges for privacy in where users pay more for every other person included in the mixin of their funds. Tumblers and privacy coins leave you with a pretty big bill, while still failling to offer your 100% privacy.
Is it worth paying for privacy while your transactions can still be linked back to each other? No. Should you be paying for privacy in the first place when privacy is a given right in the USA under the fourth amendment? No.
Scroda aims to offer its users 100% privacy completly free, eliminating the need of having to pay thousands and thousands of dollars on privacy alone.
Read more below.
Then who will pay for the network fee or the fee that should be provided for miners? what i know that what make things moving in crypto currency is one of them are those miners, they makes the transaction possible to be done.
EOS/Tron/Steen these are some examples.
Glad to have some intellectual humans on board in the thread
Yes and the majority is also Permissioned Blockchains which are able to be fee-less just through being able to identify the malicious actors on the network as all validators must first be verified.
The problem is mostly introduced on permissionless blockchains as it is hard to identify such actors so a fee is introduced.
Still even with PoW/DPoW it is hard to have a fee-less environment just so because then the people with the most amount of funds staked could easily manipulate the network which is why Scroda is using Tier Levels to prevent such things from happening.