There were some issues with some bug in my OS or wallet,
please dont send the forging power until I or devs fix this.
Hi, i create an pool for forge NFD for those who do not have a PC or server, available for fulltime on and connected.
You can to participate of it just send me you forge power by leasing your balance.
Go to
More Info below balance and click
Lease Account, lease to this
The maximum lease is 32767 blocks (36 days) then you have to lease again.
The balance is to forge effective from 1440 blocks (1d +) after the lease.
I did an online spreadsheet to calculate payments and track the amount of forges: can also see the blocks found by logging into your wallet and viewing the status of the address pool.
I will add new ones that leasing balance automaticaly.
For payment, you can choose to receive the NFD or NSC Assets (I will sold 1 NSC to pay fee calculated the percentage of total assets converted to NFD), in which case they sell at the current price.
The balance will remain in your wallet, it can be used as you wish, but if you withdraw an amount of it, his power forging rented also will decrease, can not create power forging, which is unique to each NFD
You can request a withdrawal at any time, after 1 leasing period is over, through message in NFD address of pool
(for more transactions
Everything will be done manually, so will check requisitions in pool and update spreadsheet 1 time per day.
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