Besides arts and gaming usage, I don't see too much utility for NFTs. Actually, even for arts it's worthless in my opinion. The only real usage for NFTs would be inside gaming industry. The concept of its implementation really made sense for me and I thought it was a great idea in theory, but in practice it didn't work as expected. NFTs have only worked for a while and due to hype. It was never about unique, original, practical and functional usecase and even if the hype resurges, it doesn't look like it's going to work for another reasons besides more temporary hype.
Every features NFTs offer to adopters can be achieved through another ways. They aren't necessary, neither accessible to the public.
Like a private club access. Then there is timing certain real world asset ownership to them. Proof of ownership will be conveyed with a corresponding nft.
Yes, that could be a real usecase, but why would people seal deals through NFTs, if they can already do it traditionally using physical papers and contracts? Maybe if it decreased the bureaucracy with notary's office in the process it would make sense to adopt NFTs for this reason. Anyway, clubs memberships are not that popular nowadays, especially among the younger generations which are more connected to crypto technology. So the impact must be almost null on the bigger picture.