Might we have deficiencies in Niacin and/or Glutamine negatively affecting the quality of our lives and/or our longevity?I wasn’t really sure if I should make a thread out of this or just post this information in some existing thread.. but I was somewhat struck when I came across what usually would have had been a bitcoin podcast from February 27, 2023 (nearly 4 hours long) – and the guest (Dr. Dmitry Kats) was talking about population deficiencies in Niacin/Glutamin in terms of being a kind of ongoing conspiracy and/or purposeful plot that dates back to knowledge/studies from the 1930s.. and so from his point of view there has been a kind of purposeful pushing of the creation of Niacin/Glutamin deficiencies in the populous… even though Niacin/Glutamin can apparently prevent and reverse a lot of mortalities (or would it be co-morbidities?),…. And to extend lives, apparently.
Once Bitten! A Bitcoin Podcast.
Dr Dmitry Kats - The Truth About Niacin. #317
February 27, 2023And some of the discussions in the podcast regarding absorption of various nutrients and interactions (such as drugs and nutrients) was a bit beyond my abilities to comprehend, and even his suggestion that certain kinds of products were more pure or less pure is not a kind of discussion that comforts me very much, because I find that sometimes when the cure or the way forward is too technical, then I become more suspicious in regards to whether something is being sold to us.
It seems to me that Dr. Kats seemed to be saying that sometimes we may well not be getting the right quality and combination of products.. and surely he is saying that some of the products that we are getting end up depleting our bodies in various ways… and frequently, I hate to believe that human health has to be so specific in terms of specific doses of supplements or whatever in order to fix the evils of the various experiments and plots against us – even though I have been motivated into at least looking into some Niacin/Glutamin supplement products.. and pondering why I had stopped taking Niacin supplements several years ago - back when I stopped being able to find the big bottles with 500mg tablets in Costco.
Anyhow, at this point, I have been so motivated that I created this thread and also currently, I am likely going to start taking some form of Niacin and Glutamin… and then ponder further over details of the matter further… and even to use myself as a kind of Guinea pig to see if there might be some results in my starting to add those kinds of supplements to my current daily routine.. and yeah, I might end up abandoning or changing products (first I have to figure out which products I am going to try out).. but I am at the earlier research portion of my journey.. whether I end up being the Guinea pig or not.
Have any of you thought much about Niacin and/or Glutamin deficiencies as a kind of current, persistent and ongoing root cause to health issues? Are there some other important point(s) that I might be missing from the podcast or related lifestyle matters? Of course, many of us likely recognize the values of diet, sleep, exercise and moderating stress levels too… so sometimes various deficiencies that we might have in our body could come from lifestyle choices or even genetics or even some inevitable aging issues that are not necessarily going to be fixed by either lifestyle or supplementing choices.
Of course many of us would like to be able to reverse negative health issues and/or to extend our lives in various ways that we are capable to accomplish, yet how to be successful in any attempt to achieve such goals might be another matter.
By the way, Dr. Kats did weave in some discussion of bitcoin during the podcast (mostly at the end), and it seems that he is fairly new to learning about bitcoin, but at least he seems to recognize the sovereign individual angles of bitcoin.. at least at a foundational level.