Here again my offer also for this round:
If someone wants to invest and (some of) my investments from 1NiBuR1CPEJp3bPEoPvkMvqQZMsxoaWavn got paid via your investment, i will pay you back 50% of this to your BTC address. So you can enter the game for half of the normal costs. Please contact me via PM before.
I have several investments from 0.001 to 0.1 BTC, which will runs for about 24 hours from now.
why would anyone do this?
I've explained this in detail and given line by line examples(look back in this thread) of how it is and why it is beneficial to play this way. You could say this is the way this game is supposed to be played.
Every time a player pushes out their own deposits that player multiplies their holdings, for basically NOTHING! 50%, no 1NiBuR didn't pay more than %15 for all the deposits currently in play. They could easily offer a %75 rebate and still turn a profit on the whole exchange.
This is the advantage this game has over any other.
1. You stake doesn't just disappear or become removed at some point. You've the option to ante up and keep playing.
2. The face value of a deposit does not reflect what the deposit costs, there was 50+ BTC in the game a while back and trust me ppl didn't dump that much into this game. This large amount was reached after months of multiplying deposits.
The big thing for players to realize is that the cost of keeping the game going is peanuts a day. I've posted graphs that show this clearly. There are a group of trolls on this forum that are fiercely angry about not being able to play the game they want to play because of the advanced game that is being played. They will have to learn how this game is played or find another game.
1Excalibur was the first to offer rebates for deposits but there was little interest and it was decided that a %7 rebate was plenty enough to encourage users to play, claiming that the users could offer their deposits for sale at %10 or even %12 and be competitive in the market.
Make a deposit and hope that it doesn't get cashed out by someone else, make sure that you are the one who pushes at least part of it out. It "takes" only %4 plus a 0.0002 miner fee to do this and this is not spent, but becomes part of your holdings in the game. After doing this a few times you can offer Bounties or Rebates on your holdings to new players.