No problem but you could have send a PM!
Some users ask for loan and repay very fastly. Most of the such users don't want a loan, they do it to increase reputation. If they repay fastly, they may get positive trust feedback from the lender, if it is higher amount, from others too. Users asking for a reputation loan are likely going to scam others after they build a good trust. So, to prevent that, users may put a negative and/or neutral feedback. I hope you understand! If you have doubt, you can post here or PM me(recommended) or you can start a thread for wider answers.
Shhh...!!! You are right! I was too ridiclous at that time!
Aout that request, I don't what you understand from that lines, what I asked was I will repay 30% of the payout each time I get. Just wanted to tell you!