If you look at https://mempool.emzy.de/, the current transaction fee is over $50 but in the past few hours it was over $100... So if you are a gambler who doesn't gamble that much like your range is only $10 to $100, it's impossible you will choose to gamble today with that very high fees.
This is only for gamblers who use bitcoin as the payment method, how is going today? Who among us here can still afford to gamble?
This current high price in the cost of Bitcoin transaction fee is one phenomenon that can never be manipulated at this moment, hence, it's better for any individual who wishes to deposit some crypto into his/her casino account to send either Stable or altcoins, since it's fees are still reasonably okay as compared to Bitcoin with fee around $50 to $100. Because the truth is that this high fee is not going to remain forever, it's just for the moment, and as such it's good we make wise decision rather than spending too much on fees.