20 years from now, if the printing presses (or digital ones), keep rolling like they are now, you won't be able to buy a burger with $10,000, and your retirement will be worth crap.
I'd rather take my chances with Bitcoin than with the Federal Reserve and crappy government social security promises. Veteran's pensions just got cut, on the whims of Congress. What's to say that won't happen again, and again, and also with Social Security?
That sounds terrible...
thats about the state of things right now, and it isnt getting any better!!
just for the sake of it i'll share a small story with you...
when Zetacoin was released, i put all my feeble mining power on it and mined a few million coins in a matter of weeks
worthless at the time. today theyre worth about 300 BTC... (i actually sold 2 million a month or so ago and put some of those coins down onto neptune pre-orders)
who can tell me that was a bad move??
i did the same with Asiccoin & a few others which im waiting on gaining value eventually.
BTC is not the be all & end all of mining with ASICs.
dont forget there are those among us that dont want you to mine, successfully or at all.
do what you think is right, and take the rough with the smooth, its not ALL unicorns!
AGAIN - dont believe the mouthiest critics, they may well have vested interests.
one of them 'kindly' (and rudely) offered me 2.5btc for a rig i paid 78btc for and was (and still am) unhappy with...
tbh, it seems the biggest critics and the biggest fanboys are not to be trusted at all!!
i am neither.
EDIT2ADD - dont trust me either, i might be making it all up!!