We aren't talking here of an investment opportunity which promises 2% annual ROI; we're talking here of a "program" which offers "0.5 – 1% Daily Up to 200%". We're like being told that the sun will rise in the west tomorrow, and we strongly believe it and insist that it's going to happen.
Why not?
It's easy when you talk about a certain proven scam but on the other hand, look around the forum!
The new iPhone just launched and everyone was quoting how an iPhone cost 150 BTC 10 years ago and only 0.03 BTC now or whatever numbers, if everyone keeps talking about 500000% growth in 10 years and shows pretty pictures of those as proof why do you assume a newbie who is bombarded by such tweets from members that have somewhat of a reputation on socials media will not believe a measly 300% return a year cause it's obviously just as the OP they won't know what compound interest is?
You're going to be amazed on how many people I've talked too and are not believe when I tell them you can only make a few $ a day by running a Bitcoin miner, until I show them the math they think I'm lying to them and I'm hiding the fact that it's making thousands a month!
When everyone talks about the price going 3-4 times up in a year, 0.5% a day starts to look credible for a newbie!