I was a former Nova Exchange user. I still check the exchange from time to time because I had a great experience before, though I haven't had recent transactions/trades. Yesterday, I received an email from
[email protected] (quoted below)
IMPORTANT: To Old Friends of Nova Exchange, verifying personal information. Exception to expire over time.
Dearest Customer,
Nova Exchange is growing by the hundreds every day. It's great!
Still, we always want to take particularly good care, and be of service to you who has been with us from the beginning.
Over the last few months the accounts of Nova-Old-Friends have been subject to an exception concerning the need to verify personal information. Over the coming weeks we will begin to repeal these exceptions. You will be notified personally with a date when your exception is about to expire.
By dealing with this, you will be able to keep using your account with no restrictions whatsoever.
You are among our most valued customers. The ones who have been with us for a LONG time.
We want to get this process going with you, so that we can give you the most attention and personal assistance, should you need it.
It is a very good idea to get your information verified right away.
Here is a short video explaining the process: PLAY
And here is where to start the verification: LET’S GO
Get in touch if you have any questions.
Team Nova
Well, just want to give a heads up for those who have not checking their email and have coins/tokens in the site, especially the old users. If you're not willing to do KYC, better move out of the exchange as early as possible since they have not given YET an exact date of expiration.