Well thought out posts do indeed trump quantity. And I look for that over tenure on this site any day. You seem to have your head in the game about this, so I imagine this will go well.
That said, I wish you the best in your venture. I can't say I'll be joining in on the fun given I've got my own business to worry about
I've got this thread watched, so keep posting detailed info. I'd like to see where this thread (and your business) goes
Thank you for the kind words, someone with a good attitude like yourself will do well also, best of wishes to you too!
So let me get this straight.
Your spreadsheet is showing the production from hardware financed by ALL bonds. Then it's sharing that out between JUST the Indefinite Contracts - as though every penny of income raised by ALL contracts went just to them?
No wonder the returns look so good.
You are obviously missing some key information here, perhaps you should read how the Contracts work before making assumptions like this.
Each type of Contract, whether Indefinite, 1-Year or otherwise has a different payment type. A 1 Year Contract for example has a heavier reinvestment structure during the first half, then increases its payment during the second half. An Indefinite Contract on the other hand has a slightly lower annual payment but yields steady and consistent results for the entire duration. Yes, ALL Contracts are pooled together but payments are NOT ONLY for Indefinite Contracts -
they are equally dispersed based on the number of contracts issued. I'm not sure why this is so hard to understand...
Lets just say that 1,000 of each contract has been sold. Indefinite Contracts are .5 BTC while 1-Year are .25 BTC, therefore an Indefinite Contract has a heavier weight. So in this scenario (1,000 of each sold) the payment would divided by 3,000 then dispersed equally. The payment after 1 Year will also increase as the 1-Year Contracts are reacquired and either renewed or taken out of the total pooled funds.
At our estimate of 11.6TH after one year and using the example I just used would produce a
total of 1136.25 BTC...
1136.25 / 3,000 = .37875 PER Contract
.37875 * 2,000 = 757.5 FOR Indefinite
.37875 * 1,000 = 378.75 FOR 1-Year
To determine payments from there, you would need to factor in the reinvestment strategy of the type of Contract so:
A single 1-Year Contract would yield about .340875 in the last 14-day period, while an Indefinite Contract would yield about .53025 during the last 14-day period after one year.
Keep in mind this is a quick example using 11.6TH with 1,000 Indefinite and 1,000 1-Year Contracts. This does not show the yields from short-term contracts, and does not represent the actual number of Contracts being sold during the initial investment period - just an example to show you how it works.
What IS accurate about this example though is that it is showing difficulty at over 150,000,000 which we believe to be a fairly conservative evaluation.