So what would you do with just one chip ?
Prototype design. They're expensive chips, so I only want a couple for testing. Once (if) the design works, I'll order more.
How are you going to test the chain with just one ?
Principal problem with this chip is in the fact that they shutdown when overheating you must manually restart the box, and with only one chip you can not test anything serious. My advice, test at least two. There has been a DIY board made for 2 chips for such purpose...but it's not without unless you have your own board's just souvenirs...
One, two, whatever. I can't afford 500, so I want smaller quantities. I'll buy as many as I can afford, once someone confirms that I can get them in prototype quantities.
If you must know, I'm planning to build a single chip unit so I can figure out if I can even make it work. If I can't get one chip to work, what business do I have testing a chain? Once one chip works, I'll chain them together, look at efficiency and packaging, and go from there.
Why the hate for cautious baby steps?