Quantum computers are coming, first gen Quantum computer made by D-wave systems have already hit the markets, although the experts seem to disagree whether this is really a quantum computer, nobody knows the abilities of the NSA, but I think it is safe to assume they would be the first ones to get a hold of a quantum computer
Post quantum cryptography research is already being done :
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-quantum_cryptographyAnd I think the bitcoin developers better have a post quantum strategy
THANK YOU! my point exactly.. if this happens sooner than expected or it could be another type of terminal threat to the network we should have some idea of what to expect. THE NETWORK HAVING TO SWITCH FROM SHA256 TO SHA512 WILL NOT WORK (current asic miners limited to 256)
for example do i want to hold 75% of my bitcoins in cold storage or 45% having invested more into SHA512 (PTS, CPL) or other types that may be able to survive (SRC... XPM?) I hold a lot of NXT too..should I hold more or less?
I would like to hear different opinions from the knowledgeable members of the community...
--- on reddit i made same post here is what i get in return:
[–]Phrenico 1 point 7 hours ago
LOL. The tipping address. I almost didn't see it.
permalinksavereportgive goldreply
[–]yourofl10 1 point 7 hours ago
Spam. Downvoted and reported.
permalinksavereportgive goldreply
[–]SgtFuckface 0 points 7 hours ago
Fucking idiot.
permalinksavereportgive goldreply
[–]kerstn 2 points 7 hours ago
Although imature OP raises a valid point. The encryption securing the private keys are vulnerable to this type of attack.
permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply
This news WILL affect the price... the article was posted as the days #1 MAIN STORY on drudgereport.com
I have at least 80-100 BTC total in either BTC or MANY other cryptos. fuck man i must be a "fucking idiot" for asking again when other threads i viewed did not address the problem. How can i make a confident decision regarding substantial asset allocation.... ... ..