Mompiche is a reasonably good sized expat area for people from the U.S. and Canada.
This is a totally wrong idea how to have a gay sex and not be hitted by Earthquike.
Seems, You lobby a exodus from Northern America to other countries of gays, wich You call "does illicit sex".
right mode to survive the Earthquake after
gay gang bang party is a living in the yurta.
This are a 100% Safe For Gays Anti Earthquake Houses.
Okay, I was saying that no matter how gay anybody is, people from the U.S. and Canada have God in their living, simply because they do the things of God automatically, because of teaching handed down from their ancestry.
Homosexuality is wrong and bad. But homosexuality in a Christian is forgiven by God, simply because the person is a Christian. However, if he/she doesn't turn away from homosexuality, it will gradually drive his/her faith in God out of his/her life.
I like your building in the pictures, though. Easy to attack and tear down.