Also, there are payments going into the pool account for fees. I'm not sure why this is happening. Its not much, but....I haven't changed the pool fee. Its set to 0%. If there are any p2pool guru's around, I'd love to talk to you.
I'm no p2pool guru. Are the 'pool fees' 4e-8 to SGwUTJxFF54BRx6D26Y1pYzHay6pw4rHiw?
Perhaps this small number is necessary to correct the roundings half away from zero, to settle rounding differences. These rounding errors shouldn't go anywhere else.
Its a reasonable hypothesis. But the pool's percentage is that "Current payout to default address" graph. That SGw address is p2pool's author. The address gets automatically generated and all the 'dust' goes into his purse. LOL...kind of reminds you of that 1/2 cent millionaire.
I've been looking through the payout methods in the code, and it appears that very low-hash miners payouts are collected until they hit a 'threshold' payment amount, that way all the earnings aren't eaten up in payout fees from the chain. I wish I had a better understanding of these types of details, but I haven't had time to really digest the code. It is an interesting read if you find yourself bored one evening.
All that is me rambling...trying to figure out SA6tX.