Nuclear is the best way to assure a long term trace of having boiled water. I very dislike nuclear technology. It's a very sure way to have the best case example of why so called public-private partnership are Huuuugggeeee scam.
the public will :
- not be able to decentralize electricity production-storage-innovation due to the low subsidized cost of nuclear energy.
- have to carry the cost of subsidizing the energy production
- will not be able to maximize the conversion of watts to $.
- will not be able to get the fuck out of there (where ever it may be) on a timely fashion (private jet rdy).
the private will:
- not be able to decentralize electricity production-storage-innovation due to the low subsidized cost of nuclear energy.
- will benefits from the low cost of subsidized energy
- will be able to maximize the conversion of watts to $
- will be able to get the fuck out of there (where ever it may be) on a timely fashion (private jet rdy)
- will monster naked short those fç"* shares in case of event
- will profit from the construction, running, disposal of the waste and removal of the operation once old.
- will profit from the increase need of defense budget
but more generally speaking it's the lack of decentralization that nuclear technology induce, the inherent system risk of having a centralized energy production, and the inherent systemic risks of the nuclear energy production (a few mistakes and the nearby cities are ghosted faster than... forevermore... ). However I agree that the job that the nuclear industry does is quite interesting. How they have successfully dominate the news on this story... it's ironic that they can't master radioactivity as easily... the soviets learned it the hardway btw... but seems to have too forgotten what they may be ready to inflict upon generations of unborn for the sake of a few lights more at night... 1. decentralized energy production 2. decentralized energy storage... that will be the true alt
edit: lame me, biologists
edit2 : it's funny to think that life on earth is water based and that apparently nuclear wastes mix well with water... who knows, the space is wide and dark... only mind conquered by an out of earth life form can support such primitive technology. And frankly NT goes deeply against the philosophy of Earth as best space craft ever. At least now there is apparently still no need to wear a full nbc gear... if you want it hard go on the dark side of the moon or mars and beyond do your "innovations"-"science"-"wars"-"conflicts"-"pollutions".
edit3: you can still reduce a little (but if you get the "tail" it's anyway pointless) by imposing everyone involved to live 5 miles max radius around installations
not all tail event are the same...