You literally own a card that pays you for holding there coin in terms of transaction fees at 1%.
So basically, you get paid to do nothing. The more users of the card the more money you make.
The more cash flows you generate from new users the more value your coin has to buyers.
Yes Monanco should be way beyond a fifty dollar coin
DO THE MATH please... or you will get
burned in this game!!
The Market:Today: 1M people use cryptos. It will grow like crazy, maybe x2 to x3 soon, but most of the population is not yet there (10 more years needed, maybe less)
Question is how many will use the MCO card ? Let's say... 500,000 people. Using it on a regular basis = spending in average $10,000 per person.
That's HEFTY figures... but let's imagine, maybe in 2-3 years, when BTC will be stable and people will want to use it directly from the wallet to the merchant. (for tax evasion purposes mostly... lol)
Keep in mind: 500,000 MCO cars is something like
20% of the market reached: A serious performance, assuming MCO is not present in ALL the markets and assuming you have competition like CTR, PAY and TKN, each one on their respecitve markets (MCO= SE Asia, CTR = USA, TKN = EURope, PAY = a bit everywhere...)
Yes, 20% %share is HIGH. Not everybody may have a card (country limitations)... or may need it, or want to spend BTC (growing asset)
The REVENUES on this market:
1% of (500,000 x $10,000) each year = $50M revenues per year.
Apply a PER of x5 on the Revenues (Price Earning Ratio).
I don't take the usual x10 because ..'s cryptos!! More like startups, people will expect faster return and the market may not wait for 10 years.
That is $50MM x 5 = $250MM
This is "ballpark" the average Market Cap of a Crypto credit card TODAY
(maybe in 5 years it will be $1B... maybe more, but I think that in 5 years, Chase, BankOfAmerica, or even VISA and others will have their own token cards. The market is too big to be left untouched by the banksters)Now... half full, half empty: choose your camp:Optimists will see $400MM --> 20M coins for MCO (estimated cruise amount: RTFW =
read the f whitepaper) =
$20 per coinPessimists will see $200M -->
$10 per coinThat said, you know how to address this market now:
--> PAY is too expensive (surfes on hype)
--> MCO may show some limited potential after the bloodbath we saw. Buy the dips, sell the bumps.
--> CTR still needs to bloom (post ICO). Wait and see. ICO levels will be destroyed upwards
--> TKN is undervalued by x5, being the only actor tapping on the European market (and in London... a "small" financial place)