People should educate themselves on what they are investing in before they invest/purchase. That includes my coins that I sell as well. Do your due diligence people.
The simple fact of the matter is that people should do the footwork before investing their money/time/efforts. Good advice for all things in life, whether it be investing in a currency, buying a new car, taking a new job or choosing a spouse.
All the information is available for every one of these (so-called) alt-coins. Anyone, whether crypto-vet or crypto-newbie, can find plenty of information to make as sound decisions as possible on any coin before deciding to invest their money/time/efforts. As with anything in life, when people make ignorant, in-the-moment choices based on what's "Hot"....they often end up getting burned. These are the lessons we all must learn, one way or another!
No one can blame the game for their losses when they don't bother taking the time to learn how to play.