You're probably wondering though, what is NvEZOS, well, it's a custom configured Ubuntu 16.04 distro built for mining Ethereum based currencies with nVidia GPU's while allowing for all (basic) configuration to be done via a web interface - if you don't want to, you should never have to touch ssh to setup the system. For our advanced users, I plan to document everything as clearly as possible so that you can jump in and change/mod things as much as you like.
You can checkout the subreddit I created at for more information. I highly recommend starting here. There is also a Discord setup for general discussion and troubleshooting.
Next the release is available via my github at - I HIGHLY recommend thoroughly reading both the README and INSTALLISO documentation. Downloading the ISO and installing via that method is the least time consuming and easiest by far, however, my documentation covers both methods.
Finally, the software is available free of charge, however, if you enjoy it and find it useful, I do appreciate any and all donations. My donation wallet information is available both on my subreddit and the github documentation.
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