This thread is dedicated to discussion of Nxt API. Information about Nxt can be found at to Nxt software are done using HTTP GET requests. Parameters are passed as HTTP parameters. Responses are returned as JSON objects. If something goes wrong a response will look
{"errorCode": 6, "errorDescription": "Blah-blah-blah"}.
The list of all requests is below, I will update it each time I add new ones.
Decode tokenDecodes an authorization token.
Request:http://localhost:7876/? request=decodeToken & & token=StringOf160Chars
Response:{ "account": "398532577100249608", "timestamp": 622, "valid": true }
Note:This approach should be used to authorize users on web sites.
Get balanceRetrieves the balance of an account.
Request:http://localhost:7876/? request=getBalance & account=398532577100249608
Response:{ "balance": 5000, "unconfirmedBalance": 4200 }
Note:"unconfirmedBalance" is the balance minus all unconfirmed sent transactions. It doesn't include double-spending and unconfirmed received transactions. A user sees the unconfirmed balance in the client.
Get blockRetrieves block data.
Request:http://localhost:7876/? request=getBlock & block=12726165958299924733
Response:{ "height": 16, "generator": "398532577100249608", "timestamp": 504, "numberOfTransactions": 149, "totalAmount": 17400, "totalFee": 24, "version": 1, "baseTarget": "54029906605928", "previousBlock": "3483738553242041290", "nextBlock": "9200836476619146595", "payloadHash": "32BytesRepresentedInHexadecimalForm", "generationSignature": "64BytesRepresentedInHexadecimalForm", "blockSignature": "64BytesRepresentedInHexadecimalForm", "transactions": ["2590525739676698091", "5436057910978689871", "8815617645011985536", ...] }
Note:"generator" is the account that generated the block.
Payload length = "numberOfTransactions" * 128 B.
"previousBlock" absents for the genesis block.
"nextBlock" absents for the last block in the blockchain.
"transactions" is an array of transaction ids.
Get timeRetrieves current time.
Request:http://localhost:7876/? request=getTime
Response:{ "time": 417 }
Note:"time" is measured in seconds since the genesis block timestamp.
Get transactionRetrieves transaction data.
Request:http://localhost:7876/? request=getTransaction & transaction=16244659048134841060
Response:{ "block": "12726165958299924733", "timestamp": 417, "deadline": 900, "sender": "6330031667105067575", "recipient": "398532577100249608", "amount": 1500, "fee": 5, "confirmations": 2, "signature": "64BytesRepresentedInHexadecimalForm" }
Note:Data of an unconfirmed transaction doesn't contain "block" and "confirmations" parameters. Double-spending transactions are not retrieved.
Send moneySends money.
Request:http://localhost:7876/? request=sendMoney & secretPhrase=IWontTellYou & recipient=398532577100249608 & amount=1500 & fee=5 & deadline=900 & referencedTransaction=13689168149259791567
Response:{ "transaction": "16244659048134841060" }
Note:"deadline" is specified in minutes.
"referencedTransaction" can be omitted.