All numbers r little-endian.
01 B - type (00)
01 B - subtype (00)
04 B - timestamp (671e7400)
02 B - deadline (3c00)
32 B - sender public key (b1c9e22befa06aee2eb0ac2d13ad03df02abf7cdd5fb8c9903b74f65819eb84d)
08 B - recipient (252ab2f000b58ef7)
04 B - amount (e8030000)
04 B - fee (01000000)
08 B - referenced transaction (0000000000000000)
64 B - signature (a56d7368c792df694c72fcaf731544c4b710c9de4e906105cdb25b15fc10d1052c9fac66383c553 6500cea0782db28535c25095758029cb4d465b13f8850cf1e)
I used transaction 1360173339660761930 as the example (http://localhost:7874/nxt?requestType=getTransactionBytes&transaction=1360173339660761930)
NB: Before signing u must replace signature with ZEROs and sign the whole 128 bytes.