Interestingly, he also talks about Counterparty building their platform on top of
Florin Coin, because of that coin's block generation time (40 seconds) and ability to handle 528 bytes of data in transaction messages. Seems to me that a BETTER fit would be Nxt, with 1000 bytes of data available per message...
Counterpart directly compete with Nxt and all counterparty can offer will be offered by Nxt. I doubt that counterparty will consider Nxt for their piggyback. However, we should not allow or offer free piggybacks because it will lead to future confrontation between Nxt and the piggybacks as what happened between bitcoin and counterpart today. Appropriate fees should be in place for the use of Nxt by third parties.
There is a big difference between bitcoin core devs and NXT devs, unlike bitcoin core devs, NXT guys wont be arguing that "1 + 1 = 1"
I also doubt any would gleefully destroy other coins with 51% attacks and brag about it
Analyze the "Compuserve vs Internet" as it played out in the market. Why did compuserve lose its dominant position to the Internet?
When you are in a stable market (<10% per year growth), then by all means monetize till the cows come home. Keep adding charges, fees, restrictions. Abuse your customer base, squeeze out all the money you can. Just make sure to monitor growth rates and back off if you start hurting it more than you gain.
When you are in an exponentially growing market, every customer today represents ten or a hundred future customers. This means is it "penny wise, pound foolish" to put any restrictions of any form on customer acquisition and retention. I dont think anybody can credibly argue with the math.
So, the question is, is NXT in a stable market?