It shocked me when I saw this long thread (maybe the longest one?).
I guess it will take me days to see it through.
Maybe I should find some easy to follow source, advice?
PS: This community is definitely awesome. Wish it is not too late to join.
It's not too late.
Buy some NXT (check the exchanges, make a personal purchase from a trusted source)
Price has dipped a little right now to around $0.07, but I think it will easily reach $1-2 inside the next few months. Nice profit, any way u look at it. Do some work for the NXT community, get bounties/donations.
If u want to get in on the ground floor of a new crypto, there are lots of NXT clones "in the pipeline" and accepting investors. The only one I have invested in so far is NEM, but thats because I haven't properly checked out all of the others yet.
I recommend that u avoid NEX/NIX, for the rest make your own mind up and get on in.
I also recommend that u read as much as u can of this thread (and others). Its a pain in the arse, but a bit of research is always important before u invest.
Good Luck!
Edit: at 3.00 am....bloody hell....
Upgraded VPS to 5.10, everyone needs to upgrade to 5.10 before block 51000 (in about 20 hours or so)
I'll probably still be awake.....