Tie PoS forging power to trust metric.
What trust metric? The issuer of 1 gateway could demonstrate that he owns a large stake (POS) in the NXT system anyway.
I'm wondering how the need for trust can be removed from these gateways.
At least if there were a bunch of decentralised BTC/NXT gateways they have the same common reserve currency (NXT tokens) so they could trade between each other. This could ultimately ensure that "One BTC Coloured Coin = Another BTC Coloured Coin".
Ripple has what they call a bitcoin bridge. If someone could implement the equivalent functionality as a reference, then all participating Asset issuers could support the bridge function. This allows someone with a BTC colored coin to send real BTC to any actual bitcoin address. It is not a well known, but super useful function in ripple.
How we can enforce that each and every issuer honors the bitcoin bridge? It devolves to the trust issue again. The "hit by a bus" scenario needs to be solved when significant funds are involved.
We can verify BTC deposits, audit against issued assets, but server outages and other unexpected things happen.
OK, here is a crazy idea. We have 6 million unclaimed NXT that is unallocated. What if the community decides that it is really important to have a trusted BTC asset? What if the community decides to create a community backed BTC asset? What if there was 6 million NXT providing collateral for BTC insurance in case of "hit by bus" scenarios?
Using automation as much as possible to reduce the chances of anything going wrong. multisig BTC accts, whatever, but then the unclaimed NXT or large stakeholder collateralizes a NXT-DIC (FDIC equivalent)? Sounds centralized and probably totally offbase, just trying to think outside the box here.