What would guarantee its universal acceptance? If trading anything on the network for USD's is allowed the only guarantee is that NXT will be the currency that fees are charged in. I think this would only serve to make the NXT currency less accepted and less in demand. I agree that NXT should have to compete for dominance, but as a platform on a whole; and the base currency of that platform should not be undermined by allowing other currencies that level of influence within the platform.
For all the posting you are doing on this topic, you show no signs of having considered the mathematical reality of what happens when $500 million of business flows into the Nxt system, and they are forced to use only Nxt to settle their trades.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.5815603Furthermore, you fail to acknowledge that if a European wants to trade Euros for a commodity or an equity, he will favor the platform that allows him to denominate his trade in Euros. A Nxt fork will emerge that allows that, and we'll all be sitting here as kings of an abandoned currency.
If they are forced to use only NXT for their trades then the demand will generate a higher price for NXT. That is how the math works. Do you expect that their will such a tidal wave of business inflow that the price of NXT will not be able to keep up? I think that would be when it would actually go to the moon.
And if someone wants to trade in Euros he already has the option to do so. I don't think you acknowledge the fact that this is the case. By allowing these kinds of trades, it would subordinate the NXT currency and result in it being less dependable, and in people holding less confidence in it as anything other than a fee coin. If someone wanted to fork NXT and eliminate or greatly reduce these fees, we would still be the kings of an abandoned currency. I think the point should be to make the NXT platform a desirable platform to use, and people will use it. By undercutting the base currency for this platform, do you think that this would strengthen the platform as a whole? Do you think that the fact that Bitcoin has the same advantage as being the base currency for essentially every other crypto currency has no effect on it's strength as a currency? If people could buy any crypto they wanted with fiat, do you think Bitcoin would have the same worth that it does? Is the idea of cryptos, in general, to get away from centralized fiat currencies or to provide a platform to encourage their trade?
By forcing the trade of NXT, initially it may result in fewer transactions, but as the value of the NXT currency became higher, more dependable and established its self as the base for a broad economy, confidence in its sustainable worth would go up. This would help to strengthen the NXT platform over time.
In the short term it may generate more usage of the network to allow external currencies this type of leverage, but in the long term I think it would stunt the growth of NXT or any other platform that allowed these types of trades.