BTW, CIYAM Open is not a core Nxt developer. There are many Nxt developers and many are working in secret to avoid having to deal with the subversion represented by the spread of FUD.
And more FUD from BrianNowhere, " I fail to see how generating one block (with 3 NXT) every 205 years will net me 1% annual interest." Nxt did not claim to offer 1% interest. Expecting a 1% return on 9 cents? Really?
This is a Nxt developer thread whose sole purpose is to shape the features of Nxt by interacting with the community. When this thread is derailed by FUD, productivity goes down.
BrianNowhere offered to help find programmers for Nxt, but then immediately continues to spread FUD. Then BrianNowhere is upset when his FUD is rebutted. And now we have a wall of FUD over at Reddit about Nxt. No thanks BrianNowhere.
EDIT: It is points like this, quoting BrianNowhere, "These (Nxt) developers need to realize that they need to compete by having better features and systems that work better than their competitors whether their competitors are centralized, decentralized or whatever. Decentralized and Open source and even "Greener" are weak selling points for the majority of people. " that illustrate the difficulty in unified marketing of Nxt.
I care about Open Source software that is reviewed and has no security backdoors. I care about decentralization of networks. The centralization of networks has created a dangerous concentration of power and many possible points of failure in our modern electronic world. Decentralized networks are robust and self-healing. No one person within Nxt knows every thing there is to know about Nxt. Every person has different motivations. Personally, I think that the low power requirement of running the Nxt network is a competitive advantage.
Just letting you folks know in case anyone wants to exercise their fee speech or present a rebuttal.
make much sense what you say,
very good article.
Do You think about this proposal?
I don't know if that will fix the issues i mentioned in the article. I'm not even sure what makes one transaction have more bandwidth than another unless you are talking about large amounts of text or whatnot. I don't even want to get into this too much here because I'll probably be accused of throwing FUD. I'll be happy to field any questions on reddit though.
is someone threatening you in PM or something? Im just not seeing any conflict in the thread. When I refer to fee based on transaction size, I refer to size in blockchain, which is exactly linear with network bandwidth. I have stopped responding to igmacas suggestions as I just cannot make heads nor tails from them; I cannot tell if there is just a translation issue or if he is just throwing out keywords and/or suggestions and hoping we will figure it all out based on his general suggestion, because he gives no method or model to his suggestions.