U have to wait until the very 1st transaction in ur account gets 1440 confirmations.
Is there some paper published that i can read that explains how the PoS system works? I still don't get how the network decides who is the lucky miner for each block. I get that it has to do with the probability based on how much NXT i own compared to the network total, but how is the PoS reward decided based on this?
In my mind it would work something like this (but this is probably wrong).
All the coins have a unique id. these IDs are all sequential. each block that is mined is assigned to one ID in the range of the lowest to the highest ID completely randomly. Therefor if you had more coins in that range then you would be more likely to be assigned a block to mine.
But this seems strange, then the coins aren't divisible.
Speaking of divisibility, are the coins really divisible, or is it just faked, by having 2 decimal places but really the coins are just INTs?