Not sure about the Electrum passphrase generator. Offspring does have a passphrase generator since day one. This is the algorithm that generates that passphrase.
import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
private String generatePassphrase() {
// No space, backslash, newline, tab
String symbols = "!\"$%^&*()-_=+[{]};:'@#~|,<.>/?"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String alphaNum = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890"; //$NON-NLS-1$
int low = 70;
int high = 90;
Random random = new Random();
int count = random.nextInt(high - low) + low;
return RandomStringUtils.random(count, symbols + alphaNum);
Java.util.Random is not cryptographically secure.
Change it to SecureRandom or people using Offspring to create Nxt accounts would be vulnerable depends on what you use the random number for, in this case it makes no difference if you would use SecureRandom or Random.
Anyways thanks for looking it up, tips are always appreciated.
l posted a passphrase generator. last month.
i coded a simple brain wallet
shuffle 3 simple easy rememebered strings into a secret phrase.
strings like:
BTC address
a long english sentence
telphone number
shuffle control string, like
0: one by one insert,
1: one by 2 insert.
the control string different ,the shuffle is different.
how to generate a secret phrase by shuffle.
1 get a long string by shuffle 3 short strings.
2. every bytes +100 , to another string
3.loop to 104, get 6 times long the source string,let say is SA.
4. SA + password =secret phrase
e.g. from a txt file
** multi_wallet
We don't really need a 100% full
timeyptographerbutomebodywcan consult with regularly, and who can stay reasonably up to date with the current state of Nxt. Most of the time we don't need to make changes that require consulting a cryptographer, but when we do, we need to have somebody to refer to. Like, when considering changing the TF algorithm, or when deciding if there is any risk in accepting the proposed fix for the signature verification failing.(red chars must remember)
** nxt account
12344(must remember)
7cl di nb rtene a sngor nu 8curf hanwieanMhivteae'i ds5dohr aglshaatHftZeFrs.gd3 cWei2re a tiinoNu lnso1n hl hr rsu emltZt4so o. Ugtart8okr aboehh9,hwgft oltfef n n httsadsud tca luoeepid2h ire w2 1ia i9t3w4p ce ttyeZ' otger oysde%tkpt we 1nah1at evamyraig wooidh5 nson6ilaxnca ie jr e0 tthsn a4nagfer1 hiegniganeLwt t s e t8o 0ole d wdrbnqf,9hu pcnoycbd 4n5 limegd ecoenn eodsorr1tphi iemofdyAnf,a2knNrtrtirwhmrar3we 49Loeet80 ieiurde Pyopjtc ec ,e uTBrtealgtpb4whrect kooyte3ee2cwnxu ,o,fyCh oetg oebo cip6tb.n yie6m°Üå™Ýâ™çÛ™ëíÞçÞ™Ú™ìçàèë™çî™±Üîëß™áÚçðâÞÚçÆáâïíÞÚÞ â™Ýì®Ýèáë™ÚàåìáÚÚíÁßíÓÞ¿ëì§àݬ™ÜÐÞâ«ëÞ™Ú™íââçèÇî™åçìèªç™áå™áë™ëìî™ÞæåíÓíìè™è§™™ÎàíÚëí±èäë™ÚÛèÞáá²¥áðàßí™™èåíßÞß™ç™ç™áííìÚÝìîÝ™™íÜÚ™åîèÞÞéâÝ«á™âëޙ𫙪âÚ™â²í¬ðé™ÜÞ™™ííòÞÓ ™èíàÞë™èòìÝÞžíäéí™ðÞ™ªçÚáªÚí™ÞïÚæòëÚâà™™ðèèâÝá®™™çìèç¯âåÚñçÜÚ™âÞ™ãë™Þ©™ííáìç™ÚçÚàßÞ몙áâÞàçâàÚçÞÅðí™í™ì™Þ™í±è™™©èåޙݙðÝëÛçêߥ²áî™éÜçèòÜÛÝ™™ç®™åâæÞàÝ™ÞÜèÞçç™™ÞèÝìèëëªíéáâ™âÞæèßÝòºçߥګäçÇëíëíâëðáæëÚë¬ðÞ™²ÅèÞÞí±©™âÞâîëÝÞ™ÉòèéãíÜ™ÞÜ™™¥Þ™îÍ»ëíÞÚåàíéÛðáëÞÜí™äèèòíÞ¬ÞÞ«Üðçñè¥ßò¼á™èÞíà™èÞÛè™Üâé¯íۧ癙òâÞ¯æ±Ýæ¦Þã¦èܦìîßèߦۦíèáéì¦è零Ýïìà¦âÛèñãßÛèÇâãðîßÛß¡ã¦Þí¯Þéâì¦ÛáæíâÛÛîÂàîÔßÀìí¨áÞ¦ÝÑßã¬ìߦۦîããèéÈï¦æèíé«è¦âæ¦âì¦ìíï¦ßçæîÔî®íé¦é¨¦¦ÏáîÛìî²éåì¦ÛÜéßâ⳦âñáàéæîàßà¦è¦è¦âîîíÛÞíïÞ¦¦îÝÛ¦æïéßßêãÞ¬â¦ãìߦñ¬¦«ãÛ¦ã³îñ®ê¦Ýߦ¦îîóßÔ¡¦éîáßì¦éóíÞߟîåêî¦ñߦ«èÛâ«Ûî¦ßðÛçóìÛãᦦñééãÞ⯦¦èíéè°ãæÛòèÝÛ¦ãߦäì¦ßª¦îîâíè¦Û®èÛáàß쫦âãßáèãáÛèßÆñî¦î¦í¦ß¦î²é¦¦ªéæߦަñÞìÜèë঳âï¦êÝèéóÝÜÞ¦¦®è¯¦æãçßáÞ¦ßÝéßè覦ßéÞíéìì«îêâã¦ãßçéàÞó»èà¦Û¬åèÈìîìîãìñâçìÛìñߦ®³Æéßß¦ãßãïìÞߦÊóéêäîݦßݦ¦¦ß¦ïμìîßÛæáîêÜ®ñâìßÝî¦åééóîßß߬Ýñèò簾é¦àó½â¦éßîá¦éßÜé¦Ýãê°îܨ覦óãß°ç
you cannot rember the passphrase, but know how to generate it.