I WANT YOUR VOTE!Rickyjames has sent the top 500 members who post to this forum and have registered since before Feb 11 a ballot code
I understand that NXT is bigger than the market price and bigger than a few mentions on podcasts.
I understand that NXT can radically change the way the global economy works, cut out the fat cats and the government and let people trade freely and affordably amongst themselves.
BUT NXT needs help it get there!
I live in New York City, and I understand marketing with no budget. I have worked and managed in Michelin listed restaurants for almost 10 years now, and understand how to get the word out.
I want to create awareness based on features and functions, not by following what DOGE did, podcasts, or hoping our Memes make it big on Reddit.
I have connections with real honest to goodness Wall Street bankers, not that they are honest or good... I even sold one $10 worth of NXT at a holiday party!
I am currently involved with the NXTopia project, creating a roleplay style sandbox MMO where you can buy, sell, and CREATE items in NXT. We have a great team and think this is going to be huge.
I have been in NXT since mid-december, through the DDoS, past the Alias Auction, and into the future. I went all in on NXT and currently personally hold 340,000 that I have purchased, earned from bounties, and traded from LTC mining.
Thanks, and looking forward to the MOOON! -jefdiesel
track the progress here -
https://www.electionbuddy.com/elections/12343/results/t34ayqhm2 Vote BrooklynBTC for Marketing Committee!