Let's say 1000 hallmarked nodes are on the network. A block is found that has 10 NXT transaction fee. The forging account gets 5 NXT. The other 5 NXT gets divided up and distributed to the 1000 accounts running on hallmarked nodes. Each node's hallmarked account would get 5/1000 = 0.005 NXT. The 0.005 NXT would not be broadcast as a transaction, but simply credited to the account.
This would allow smaller accounts to provide a service for NXT, running a node, and get rewarded consistently at the same time.
I do not think accounts should be penalized for not forging. NXT should reward people and not penalize them.
Assuming the NXT network is at 10% utilization, each block will have 25.6 NXT transaction fees. ( 256 tx per block * 1 NXT tx fee * 10% = 25.6 NXT) Half of this, 12.8 NXT, gets rewarded to the hallmarked nodes' accounts supporting the network. At one block per minute, 18432 NXT will be distributed to all hallmarked node accounts per day assuming 10% network utilization. If there are 1000 hallmarked nodes on the network, each node will earn 18.432 NXT per day and 6727.68 NXT per year.
As more transactions are issued on the network, more hallmarked nodes will come on-line to partake in earning the node reward.
How am I supposed to hallmark my smartphones?