"Account Control" was mentioned. Could someone give a brief explanation of this feature.
Ask CfB, I know nothing about it.
Could you possibly add a way to determine if an account is forging. You can turn on forging on the Generator class but you cant determine if an account is forging since the hasmaps are private on that class. Something like Generator.isForging(Account account)
There is Generator.getGenerator(secretPhrase) in 0.8.0, and a corresponding getForging http api request. The secretPhrase is required for privacy reasons, you shouldn't be able to find out which accounts are forging on a node unless you own that account.
Also. Could you please add a way to set the database and config file locations, since now the java current directory is used desktop client users must navigate to the actual folder that contains the jar (or executable launcher in my case) in order for NXT to reference the correct (relative) database location.
The full jdbc url is configurable now, and the nxt.properties file just needs to be in the classpath. Or you can completely substitute it with your own Properties object in Nxt.init() (this is not tested at all).
Yes, and I added the fullReset feature. It however increases the size of the database temporarily, until a compact is run at shutdown.
Excellent ;-)
Btw. Am i still on the correct test net
http://holms.cloudapp.net:6874/ it could be on my side (just did a major refactoring) but peers seem to be blacklisted constantly (at least the two peers available) so no blocks are downloaded. I will be integrating 0.8.0e immediately so lets see if troubles remain.