Where can we get info about this Lior dev?
I have got a feeling it is lyaffe, who has posted the Monetary System Documentation here:
https://nxtforum.org/monetary-system/monetary-system-documentation/Nxt Currencies, which are coins built on top of Nxt through Monetary System, Documentation is here -
https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/issue/136/monetary-systemExtract below:
## Currency Properties ##
The currency entity supports several properties. Properties can be mixed and matched in various ways to compose the currency type. The currency type then controls the inner workings of the currency.
The list of available currency properties is as follows:
**EXCHANGEABLE** - the currency can be exchanged with NXT. Holders of the currency can publish an exchange offer specifying the buy and sell rate of the currency much the same as banks or currency exchanges publish their exchange rates . Each account can publish only a single exchange offer at any given time. Buyers and sellers can issue buy offer and sell offer to match published exchange offers. Unlike asset orders, offers are not saved, they are either executed immediately (fully or partially) or not executed at all. A match of exchange offer with a buy or sell offer creates an exchange entity which represents the transfer of currency units in return to NXT balance and causes the relevant account balances to update.
**CONTROLLABLE** - currency property suitable for currencies which needs to track an external entity. It imposes the following limitations on the currency (1) Currency can be transferred only to/from the issuer account (2) only the issuer account can publish exchange offers. The idea is that the issuer account can issue a large (practically infinite) supply of units in advance, then transfer units to accounts or exchange units to reflect actual transactions which takes place in an external system. The large supply of units in the issuer account can be used for creating units out of nowhere to support features such as interest payments, dividends or other inflationary practices.
**RESERVABLE** - means that the currency units are not issued immediately. Instead the currency issuer sets a block height at which the currency will be issued and a limit of NXT needed in order to issue the currency. Currency "founders" then lock their NXT to reserve their currency stake. If the amount of NXT needed inn order to issue the currency is not reserved before reaching the block height the issuance is cancelled and funds are returned minus fees. If the required reserve is allocated, the currency is issued and units are split between founders according to their proportional stake of invested NXT. In case of rounding, leftovers are sent to the issuer account. Reservable currency can be used as crowd funding tool where the issued currency units serve as stake in the issued currency.
**CLAIMABLE** - currency units of resereable currency can later be claimed at the same exchange rate used when reserving the currency. The ability to claim a currency at a certain rate imposes some practical limits on the rates in which users would want to exchange it. However claimable currency can also be exchanged if only for the purpose of exchanging the whole currency supply so that the currency can be deleted.
**MINTABLE** - currency can be minted using proof of work algorithms much the same as Bitcoin. Unlike Bitcoin mining, minting currency does not secure the network (this is done by NXT). Minting is used solely for creating new currency units and serve as the only mechanism to inflate the number of available units after the currency issuance.
**SHUFFLEABLE** - this property indicates that in the future this currency can participate in coin shuffling.
Properties are combined into an Integer bit mask designated as the Currency type.