As I've just seen, there is a bounty in the NXT-DGS over the head of C-F-A.
A couple for me too also i got some PM's people telling me all about it LOL
good luck with that.. maybe i will sucker you candy ass puppets and claim it myself ahahhaha
and hey
ShroomkitDisgrace i know it was you faking my name on the NODE coin list buddy
pulling deceitful little tricks and stunts to stab people in the back is a wonderful way to
pretend you have
integrity at Bitcointalk
any other brain dead moronic crap you wanna claim about me or my home boy CFA ?
We be the truth spreaders and we gonna lay the smack down !
So whatchya gonna do with the Come-From-Above & Spoetnik tag team RUNS WILD ON YOU ?run and hide NXT-Scammers we know your buying crack and guns and meth with your NXTRoad !
AND.. we are making plans for your announced launch of NXTShares in Octover 2014.
We are the havers and knower of all things seen and known in all of crypto now and forever !We see you ! ..we are WATCHING YOU !