So since my local 0.5.0 clients started crashing (i.e. showing negative recent blocks numbers, etc.) I started analyzing a little...
I started by getting the blocks that it currently knows from the api...
The block ids from the top of the list were:
So according to the block explorer, my top 4 blocks are from a forked chain. Nothing tragic, happens...
Let's look at the cumulative difficulty:
my client says 877033680606371.
Let's check some other node in the network, take, and we get: 877619990555689
So why doesn't my client catch up?
Let's have a look with wireshark, what's going on...
The first thing that we see is... ehm..., aka
This node is spamming me with all kinds of slightly weird stuff, e.g. duplicate acks.
Ok, whatever, let's look at our stuff...
My client seems to only do Post requests to one single address... WTF?!?
The address answers fast with a nice cumulative difficulty of 866067307974274.
Wait a sec... that's quite low? What's going on there? Well, later...
First: Why the hell am I only asking that weird address???
Let's see whom I'm connected to. getPeers from my account and for each of them getPeer and look for connected:1, because only from them I will query new blocks.
There are 10 of them, one is, the other 9 look a bit more legit... but wait!
All of those 9 have a negative weight... doesn't that? Yes, yes, it does... If a node's weight is negative, it isn't considered for blockchain scanning. Ok, but then, why isn't it connecting to other nodes?
Well, it only connects to other nodes if it isn't connected to 10 nodes already... And why does it keep the connection to nodes with a negative weight? I don't know... Really, why don't you cancel connections to nodes that you'll never use???
Anyways... How did the weight become negative?
Let's start by looking at peer.weight... This is set in analyze hallmark, and only there... and before it is set, it's checked whether it is smaller than 0... WTF?!? Ah! getWeight() is not a getter for weight... well, obviously, why would I expect any senseful naming from that code! Thanks for taking my time looking into the wrong direction, again. (shift+alt+r getBalanceAdjustedWeight) [for those, that don't know eclipse: i just renamed all occurrences of getWeight with getBalanceAdjustedWeight, what it really is, so I won't be confused by that in the future... Why CfB and others didn't do that? IDK.]
But on that topic, I also saw an updateWeight... hmm, is that going to update the weight or the adjustedWeight? Well, neither, it doesn't take a parameter and it sends a processNewData request to all Users... Guys, seriously?!? MVC - Model, View, Controller, not Mix Various Crap :p
Back to our attacker, or the weight, or sth...
How can it be negative?
Well, it calculates the following: adjustedWeight * (account.getBalanceCent() / 100) / 1000000000 [I added Cent to the functions that return amount in 0.01 NXT, because some did, some didn't]
adjustedWeight is calculated whenever a new hallmark is analyzed and it is basically just the fraction of this peer's weight within all peer's weight, nothing that could be negative.
But the balance might be... at least I know one account off the top of my head that has a negative balance, the genesis account.
So let's take a node with a negative balance and look at the account.
Randomness has chosen: with a current weight of -25046. So which account does it have?
Well, the account ID are the first 32 bytes of the hallmark, well , actually the last 32, but let's not go into that topic...
Anyway, the accountID is 11243542237777034551, so it's not the genesis account and it should have a balance of around 315k according to the block explorer. So what does my client say?
Well, it's not that easy. Unfortunately we can't query an account's balance with any API call... bummer.
So let's look at the transactions instead... All of them have a lot of confirmations, so just accumulate them, subtract the fees for sent transactions... aaaand... 315402... looks legit, definitely not negative.
So what happent to Account.balance?
Let's look at where that is set. We've got a total of 6 occurrences...
When we analyze a block:
- the generator account is credited with the fee. (Let's hope noone gets credited more than once)
- for every transaction, the sender account gets the transaction amount and fee deducted (the sender account is expected to already exist, let's hope that's always the case and doesn't crash with a NullPointer because then the recipients wouldn't get their balance updated)
- for every transaction, the recipient is credited with the transaction amount
When we popLastBlock:
Same procedure, just all the + are now -. Say something about duplicate code, but hey...
Ok, so far so good, let's go deeper
Let's change the order of things and first look at where popLastblock is called... because that gets only called once.
It's called when we're getting a block chain, in case the last common block of us and the peer is not either of our last blocks, i.e. there has been a fork. Should happen regularly, right?
So what do we do in that case?
We write blocks and transactions to a backup file, then we pop our blocks until we find the common ancestor, then we push the peers blocks, and then we check if the cumulative difficulty really has increased, as promised earlier by the peer.
So what happens, if the peer lied about the cumulative difficulty and just sent us a few (say 2) blocks, branched from very far (say 700) blocks back?
We'll pop 700 blocks, push 2 blocks, realize that we got bulls^&t, blacklist the peer and load our backups. And then everything is fine, isn't it? ISN'T IT?
No, it's not.
While popping the 700 blocks, we adjusted the balance of all accounts to the state 700 blocks ago. Then when pushing the 2 blocks, we took whatever transactions the "intruder" wanted us to know and included into his blocks, and adjust our account's balances accordingly.
And when we realize, everything was crap? Do we reset the accounts to what they were before? No, we don't. We keep the crap balances and hope for the best.
So if you want to take down a client, that is *any client*, just analyze the hall marks in the network, wait for some nice transactions, and generate a few blocks where you may or may not include the transactions to set the balance to a negative value which then causes the attacked client to not talk to that part of the network anymore and the *validation of new blocks to also be corrupted*, which enables you to send some nicely crafted blocks that only the attacked clients will accept and strengthen your position as the only peer it wants to communicate with.
So is that the injected flaw to take down a forked currency within a day? If yes, why does it work in 0.5.0? ^^
(Btw: Only posting this publicly because it is already widely used)
Totally forgot: Kudos to whoever attacked using that way, nice find.
@immortAlex: That's what's causing the negative numbers...