Second thing: Some 70 people own the lot of it. Any one or two of them cashing in, would sink the whole project and render it almost worthless.
That's why the price is 4k instead of 400k.
1. I agree, its pretty wonderful,
2. This isn't a valid argument anymore, only 1 of the 29 or so large whales has 5% of the stake and hasn't sold, all the rest have sold at least parts if not all of their nxt. There are around 50'000 accounts with positive balances on nxt. At this point, nxt can handle any account dumping all of its nxt and still be working fine.
but only around 5000 with a balance of more than 1000 nxt.
if the nxt are not in your account.. they are in someone elses.. so all nxt in existence would be accounted for.
Many NXT assets are fail. So if you want to play with NXT, Be with NXT.
I think Supernet is not a bad investment and DeBuNe also ...