The US States regulate financial institutions for safety and soundness and consumer protection. Look at,, BitcoinSavings and Trust, GLBSE, The short history of bitcoin is littered with massive fraud and operator incompetence. There is no way a $8B + USD economy is going to go unregulated.
Oh, they control us for our safety and protection? The nicest thing I can say about that sentiment is that it's utterly delusional. In the real world, governments are corrupt to the core and the financial system is one gigantic fraud regardless of how it's "regulated." Regulation is, in fact, one of the primary tools of tyranny and is typically used to create barriers to entry in order to preserve the existing power structure. Why do you think the Fed can create 85 billion dollars a month and hand them out to their buddies in secret without being bothered by anyone? Is that to protect you and make you safe?
You're whining about actual crimes committed in the bitcoin world? Well, there are already laws (not "regulations") against fraud and stealing. Do you see the state tracking down actual criminals who defrauded people of bitcoin? No. You see them arresting innocent people on fake charges of "money laundering," which is a completely made-up non-crime with NO VICTIM. If there is an actual victim to crime involving bitcoin, they don't do anything because they don't gain control over markets that way. It's just an expense. It doesn't grow the power base.
This idea that the state is your buddy and that it loves you and protects you is beyond childish. And let me clue you in on something, free people don't need a license to buy and sell. Buying and selling is not a crime.