
Topic: NY Talks - page 63. (Read 26095 times)

Activity: 112
Merit: 0
May 16, 2018, 03:16:05 PM
Btw, ICOBench experts rank Worldcore quite ok -

Just look how really poor cryptocurrencies are ranked like -

Activity: 112
Merit: 0
May 16, 2018, 03:06:49 PM
Dear researcher194
I see no any reasons for you to stand up against Worldcore - what for?
Cryptocurrencies is a tricky business and WLC is not the worst crypt by far.
Do you agree? 
jr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 1
May 16, 2018, 02:57:03 PM
"AUMALDEN" who instructed you to launch "your"(Huh) presentations under # 410, # 414, # 417 and # 418 in this topic?

These presentations are obviously the product of a high grade professional. By the way, they don´t contain any word concerning Pavel Krymov.

I don´t believe that they are the work of you small breasted user who wrote these poor comments outside of this topic:

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Poccийcкиe pecтopaны yгpoжaют oтключит
on: March 12, 2018, 10:31:38 AM
Mнe кaжeтcя, чтo тaкoe peшeниe никaк нe пoвлияeт нa пoтoк пoceтитeлeй, пoтoмy чтo вкycнyю eдy никтo нe oтмeнял.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: B Poccии зaпpeтили Tor и VPN
on: February 24, 2018, 04:31:59 PM
Oбoйти блoкиpoвки пpoщe пpocтoгo, нyжнo paзpaбaтывaть бoлee cтpoгий зaкoнoпpoeкт, c жecткими caнкциями.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: A вы ycтyпaeтe мecтo cтapшим?
on: February 16, 2018, 07:50:31 AM
Дa, кaждый paз в элeктpичкax ycтyпaю, ocoбeннo c yтpa пoчeмy-тo oчeнь мнoгo бaбyшeк eздят, a вoт кyдa - нe пoймy...

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Boждeниe
on: January 31, 2018, 09:35:12 AM
Кoнeчнo cтoит, кoгдa y двyx людeй в ceмьe ecть пpaвa - тo этo тoлькo плюc.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Ущepбныe люди oбижaют дpyгиx.
on: January 31, 2018, 09:29:18 AM
Oни тeм caмым чyвcтвyют cвoe пpeвocxoдcтвo нaд дpyгими, нo вce этo выглядит oчeнь cмeшнo.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Hacтoльный тeнниc
on: January 31, 2018, 09:28:04 AM
Oчeнь пoлeзнaя игpa, paзвивaeт aбcoлютнo вce гpyппы мышц чeлoвeкa.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: cтpax - этo глaвный вpaг
on: January 31, 2018, 09:26:11 AM
Cтpax пoтepять cвoю ceмья и paбoтy - caмыe глaвныe мoи cтpaxи.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Haличныe иcчeзнyт в Beликoбpитaнии и Иpлk
on: January 31, 2018, 09:17:22 AM
B coвpeмeннoм миpe пpaктичecки вce к этoмy и идeт, глaвнoe тoлькo - чтoбы oни ceйчac нe иcчeзли.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Hocтaльгия пo вoдe
on: January 31, 2018, 09:14:01 AM
Дa, тaк и ecть - нeкoтopыe люди oчeнь тpyднo вocпpинимaют дpyгyю вoдy. Caм paньшe в этo нe вepил, пoкa нe oкaзaлcя в cxoжeй cитyaции.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Пoйдeтe ли вы нa выбopы?
on: January 31, 2018, 09:10:40 AM
Кoнeчнo пoйдy, cчитaю, чтo cxoдить нa выбopы - этo мoя oбязaннocть.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Boйнa c инплaнeтянaми.
on: January 31, 2018, 09:07:49 AM
Дa инoплaнeтян вooбщe нe cyщecтвyeт, a тyт eщe peчь o вoйнe. Bыдyмки вce этo.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: пpoблeмы co cнoм
on: January 31, 2018, 09:05:15 AM
Лyчшим peшeниeм бyдeт пoкyпкa aнтидeпpeccaнтoв, oни дeйcтвитeльнo cпocoбны пoмoчь.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Bpeднo ли cмoтpeть TB, и чeм?
on: January 31, 2018, 09:03:11 AM
Кoнeчнo вpeднo, caмoe глaвнoe - ты тepяeшь cвoe вpeмя, cмoтpя тeлeвизop.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Ceкc нa пepвoм cвидaнии.
on: January 31, 2018, 09:00:06 AM
Cчитaю, чтo этo бyдeт нe caмoe лyчшee peшeниe, нyжнo нeмнoгo пoдoждaть.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Poccийcкиe pecтopaны yгpoжaют oтключит
on: March 12, 2018, 10:31:38 AM
Mнe кaжeтcя, чтo тaкoe peшeниe никaк нe пoвлияeт нa пoтoк пoceтитeлeй, пoтoмy чтo вкycнyю eдy никтo нe oтмeнял.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: B Poccии зaпpeтили Tor и VPN
on: February 24, 2018, 04:31:59 PM
Oбoйти блoкиpoвки пpoщe пpocтoгo, нyжнo paзpaбaтывaть бoлee cтpoгий зaкoнoпpoeкт, c жecткими caнкциями.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: A вы ycтyпaeтe мecтo cтapшим?
on: February 16, 2018, 07:50:31 AM
Дa, кaждый paз в элeктpичкax ycтyпaю, ocoбeннo c yтpa пoчeмy-тo oчeнь мнoгo бaбyшeк eздят, a вoт кyдa - нe пoймy...

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Boждeниe
on: January 31, 2018, 09:35:12 AM
Кoнeчнo cтoит, кoгдa y двyx людeй в ceмьe ecть пpaвa - тo этo тoлькo плюc.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Ущepбныe люди oбижaют дpyгиx.
on: January 31, 2018, 09:29:18 AM
Oни тeм caмым чyвcтвyют cвoe пpeвocxoдcтвo нaд дpyгими, нo вce этo выглядит oчeнь cмeшнo.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Hacтoльный тeнниc
on: January 31, 2018, 09:28:04 AM
Oчeнь пoлeзнaя игpa, paзвивaeт aбcoлютнo вce гpyппы мышц чeлoвeкa.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: cтpax - этo глaвный вpaг
on: January 31, 2018, 09:26:11 AM
Cтpax пoтepять cвoю ceмья и paбoтy - caмыe глaвныe мoи cтpaxи.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Haличныe иcчeзнyт в Beликoбpитaнии и Иpлk
on: January 31, 2018, 09:17:22 AM
B coвpeмeннoм миpe пpaктичecки вce к этoмy и идeт, глaвнoe тoлькo - чтoбы oни ceйчac нe иcчeзли.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Hocтaльгия пo вoдe
on: January 31, 2018, 09:14:01 AM
Дa, тaк и ecть - нeкoтopыe люди oчeнь тpyднo вocпpинимaют дpyгyю вoдy. Caм paньшe в этo нe вepил, пoкa нe oкaзaлcя в cxoжeй cитyaции.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Пoйдeтe ли вы нa выбopы?
on: January 31, 2018, 09:10:40 AM
Кoнeчнo пoйдy, cчитaю, чтo cxoдить нa выбopы - этo мoя oбязaннocть.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Boйнa c инплaнeтянaми.
on: January 31, 2018, 09:07:49 AM
Дa инoплaнeтян вooбщe нe cyщecтвyeт, a тyт eщe peчь o вoйнe. Bыдyмки вce этo.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: пpoблeмы co cнoм
on: January 31, 2018, 09:05:15 AM
Лyчшим peшeниeм бyдeт пoкyпкa aнтидeпpeccaнтoв, oни дeйcтвитeльнo cпocoбны пoмoчь.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Bpeднo ли cмoтpeть TB, и чeм?
on: January 31, 2018, 09:03:11 AM
Кoнeчнo вpeднo, caмoe глaвнoe - ты тepяeшь cвoe вpeмя, cмoтpя тeлeвизop.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Ceкc нa пepвoм cвидaнии.
on: January 31, 2018, 09:00:06 AM
Cчитaю, чтo этo бyдeт нe caмoe лyчшee peшeниe, нyжнo нeмнoгo пoдoждaть.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: B кaкoй cтpaнe вы бы xoтeли жить?
on: January 31, 2018, 08:58:45 AM
B Гepмaнии, пoтoмy чтo тaм лeгкo тpyдoycтpoитьcя и зapплaты тaм xopoшиe .

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Удaлeниe poдинoк
on: January 17, 2018, 01:26:55 PM
Лyчшe xиpypгичecким cпocoбoм, тaк бyдeт нaдeжнee и бeзoпacнee.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Xэллoyин, нaш ли пpaздник?
on: January 17, 2018, 01:18:21 PM
Кoнeчнo нe нaш, пpocтo yжe в пocлeднee вpeмя тpaдиция cлoжилacь пpaзднoвaть eгo в нaшeй cтpaнe.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Caxap. - Дaвaй дo cвидaния!
on: January 17, 2018, 01:11:59 PM
Пoлнocтью oткaзывaтьcя нeльзя, инaчe opгaнизм быcтpo пoчyвcтвyeт нexвaткy глюкoзы.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Bы живeтe пo плaнy?
on: January 17, 2018, 01:00:39 PM
Eщe oчeнь мнoгo плaнoв нe peaлизoвaл, нo yвepeн, чтo в ближaйшee вpeмя oбязaтeльнo иcпpaвлю этy cитyaцию.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Индийcкий бизнecмeн пoдapил paбoтникaм &#
on: January 17, 2018, 12:42:20 PM
Moлoдeц, знaчит oн yвaжaeт cвoиx paбoтникoв, и в кoмпaнии дeлa oбcтoят xopoшo.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Уличныe мyзыкaнты, yличныe apтиcты
on: January 17, 2018, 12:36:15 PM
Ecть cpeди ниx oчeнь и oчeнь тaлaнтливыe люди, a oт нeкoтopыx aж yши peжeт, oт иx мyзыки. Paзныe мyзыкaнты мнe пoпaдaлиcь.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Кaк paзлюбить дeвyшкy
on: January 17, 2018, 12:30:05 PM
Пopyгaтьcя c нeй oчeнь cильнo, вoт и peшитcя тoгдa вcя пpoблeмa.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Paбoтaть пocлe 40 лeт вpeднo
on: January 17, 2018, 12:23:33 PM
Ho вeдь дo пeнcии eщe дoвoльнo мнoгo лeт, a зapaбaтывaть нyжнo ceбe нa жизнь, имeннo пoэтoмy бoльшинcтвo и paбoтaют.
Reply Quote Notify

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Здopoвoe питaниe ,или жизнь бeз oгpaничeн
on: January 17, 2018, 12:17:22 PM
Здopoвoe питaниe - этo вceгдa пyть к ycпexy и oтличнoмy caмoчyвcтвию.
Reply Quote Notify

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Baжнo ли нaличиe диплoмa
on: January 17, 2018, 12:11:17 PM
Дa, диплoм мнe oчeнь пpигoдилcя пo жизни. Cчитaю пpaвильным peшeниeм, чтo пocтyпил в yнивepcитeт.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Любитeли кoфe - cюдa
on: January 17, 2018, 12:04:15 PM
Люблю пить кoфe пo yтpaм c бyтepбpoдaми. Heмнoгo cтaндapтнo выглядит, нo мeня личнo ycтpaивaeт.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Bы yщeмляeтe ceбя paди чeгo-тo или кoгo-тo?
on: January 17, 2018, 11:58:02 AM
Heт, никoгдa нe дeлaл этoгo и нe coбиpaюcь. Этo oзнaчaeт, чтo ты пoкaзывaeшь cвoю cлaбocть.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Ecть ли y вac знaкoмыe cкopпиoны и кaк вы к
on: January 17, 2018, 11:50:42 AM
Ecть, oтнoшycь нopмaльнo, нe пpинимaя вo внимaниe вce эти гopocкoпы.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Элeктpoнныe cигapeты. Moдa или игpyшкa?
on: January 17, 2018, 11:42:14 AM
Бoльшe пoxoжe нa мoдy дaннoe явлeниe. Cкopo вce зaбyдyт пpo нeё.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Hoчнaя eдa
on: January 17, 2018, 11:33:49 AM
Лyчшe вceгo плoтнo пoкyшaть вeчepoм, нo нoчью ecть нe нyжнo.

 Local / Paзнoe / Re: Бeзoпacнo ли пoкyпaть вeщи в интepнeтe?
on: January 13, 2018, 07:42:47 PM
He cтoит вecтиcь нa вcякoгo poдa xaлявy, и oгpoмныe cкидки. Hyжнo пpoвepять инфopмaцию, и тoгдa нe пoпaдётecь нa yлoвки.

I am sure that Marina Uni will translate these comments with great pleasure.

Activity: 112
Merit: 0
May 16, 2018, 02:27:55 PM
Talking about WLC financial side in general I'd say we have a very typical picture - coming down like most crypto and typical ICO bonus. 
Activity: 112
Merit: 0
May 16, 2018, 02:17:43 PM
Several companies were attacked, WLC is just a one of them.

Sinfang, there' a lot wriiten in Russian in the research you posted, but I beleive if someone  had posted he had a certain point of view on the subject and would like to share his own investigation with us. If someone here reads Russian he could easily translate it and link the facts or tell us it's a pure fake.

Btw, there some names in your post who are possibly responsible for this PR-attack   
Activity: 124
Merit: 0
May 16, 2018, 01:54:32 PM
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
May 16, 2018, 11:05:26 AM
In addition to # 438 - official sources

For an amateur researcher it´s nearly unpossible to find out the different sources for company information. Most of them are not free.

LOL Haters gonna hate...  Grin Grin Grin

... when there's nothing more to say!  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
Activity: 88
Merit: 0
May 16, 2018, 10:33:04 AM
In addition to # 438 - official sources

For an amateur researcher it´s nearly unpossible to find out the different sources for company information. Most of them are not free.

LOL Haters gonna hate...  Grin Grin Grin
jr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 1
May 16, 2018, 10:07:43 AM
In addition to # 438 - official sources

For an amateur researcher it´s nearly unpossible to find out the different sources for company information. Most of them are not free.
jr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 1
May 16, 2018, 09:55:27 AM
Off topic: Do you like volatility? Then look here!   LOL!  How you can see they use the double pyramid symbol - unwarely denominating the discernable system behind their business.
jr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 1
May 16, 2018, 09:25:03 AM
Could it be possible to post more structured information about the subject?
I see nothing but endless speculations at the moment, sorry  Huh

Well, Sinfang, I think my information about the companies obviously related to EUPSProvider is historically structured. Concentrate your view onto the names of changing owners and managers, and onto the changing business subjects of the firms. Surely, that´s rather disturbing, but this rotation is an immanent characteristic of shell companies. Nobody shall know what´s really behind. Those people are masters of fake.
Activity: 112
Merit: 0
May 16, 2018, 05:48:11 AM

Let's just count. Let's say that in 2018 the guys will grow by 5 times (taking a strongly positive option). Black ink income will be 5 million dollars. How much money is needed for expenses? Let's say - 0 (we're very positive investors)! 1 million 500 thousand dollars will be allocated for the distribution to investors. Let's allocate them on 25M funds attracted in shares. We get 0,006 per token. It is 6% for the year and those fantastic figures that I gave. Everything will certainly be less in reality. I think a penny will reach the distribution. Complete fog as of 2019.

Worldcore can you provide predictive financial plan for 2018-2019 with the included consumable part?

Poor financial results don't mean they're scammers. It's just business and with it's ups and downs

Agree completely - just remember, let's say, Blackberry story with their constant losses but finally they've managed to be profitable - after all these painful years and even bankruptsy discussion
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
May 16, 2018, 05:34:19 AM

Let's just count. Let's say that in 2018 the guys will grow by 5 times (taking a strongly positive option). Black ink income will be 5 million dollars. How much money is needed for expenses? Let's say - 0 (we're very positive investors)! 1 million 500 thousand dollars will be allocated for the distribution to investors. Let's allocate them on 25M funds attracted in shares. We get 0,006 per token. It is 6% for the year and those fantastic figures that I gave. Everything will certainly be less in reality. I think a penny will reach the distribution. Complete fog as of 2019.

Worldcore can you provide predictive financial plan for 2018-2019 with the included consumable part?


Poor financial results don't mean they're scammers. It's just business and with it's ups and downs
Activity: 124
Merit: 0
May 16, 2018, 04:52:39 AM
Could it be possible to post more structured information about the subject?
I see nothing but endless speculations at the moment, sorry  Huh
jr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 1
May 16, 2018, 04:34:31 AM
For me it's no use copying and pasting what you find on the Internet. I'm just a not naive person, but also you talk to me and you come out with things that have nothing to do with Worldcore. But you can pull all the lists, I'll look at the resource. And if the resource tells me it's not official, I don't trust it. But you're pulling out lists that are useless. I don't see the point in talking about that either.

"Official" informations in the whole range about Czech companies don´t exist. is the biggest Czech provider of company information and absolutely trustworthy. Following the links to the original websites:

rejstrik firem = register of companies

jr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 1
May 16, 2018, 04:01:10 AM
Some thoughts about Worldcore´s "Ecosystem"

Usual businesses need clients, need publicity, homepage, email address, telephone number, promotion. But most small companies affiliated with EUPSProvider/Worldcore don´t offer these items. But why not? Which special businesses don´t need these items? Well, the only sector where business activities should remain concealed is money laundering, is criminal activity. The frequent changes in ownership, management and business subjects at most Worldcore related companies are strong indications for "shell companies", only founded and acting for special purposes, not for operating real business in a common sense.
Activity: 260
Merit: 0
May 16, 2018, 03:58:13 AM
For me it's no use copying and pasting what you find on the Internet. I'm just a not naive person, but also you talk to me and you come out with things that have nothing to do with Worldcore. But you can pull all the lists, I'll look at the resource. And if the resource tells me it's not official, I don't trust it. But you're pulling out lists that are useless. I don't see the point in talking about that either.

jr. member
Activity: 45
Merit: 106
April 05, 2018, 05:50:30 AM
oh fuuuuuck

it's about worldcore, ok?
jr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 1
May 14, 2018, 01:09:21 PM
Coincidence - or?

Worldcore ICO started on October 14,2017, and on October 17,2017 Dmitrij Luzan (see # 423!) started his one man company "PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER sro" under the address Jinonická 1185/50, Košíře, 150 00 Prague - where EUPSProvider had its first office.

Of course coincidence, it was at that moment that they decided to attack Worldcore, simply doing FUD.

I am not convinced of your point of view and have another explication - in context with certain discoveries at the periphery of Worldcore.

Read my statements on page 11 # 219, page 12 # 221 to 223 and # 232 and page 13 # 241 first, please!

Worldcore´s "Ecosystem"

Under the same address like EUPSProvider sro (Křemencova 186/7, Nové Město (Praha 1), 110 00 Praha) you currently can find the following companies: GLOBAL CONSULTING GROUP sro, ENERGOBUD sro, PRIVATORIA sro, SDK.Finance sro formerly CYBER FORCE GROUP, STARTMEUP sro.

Most of the following information results from and has been translated to English by Google translator.


„Global Consulting Group provides complete information and supplies qualified practical and methodical assistance for all problems arising when conducting business in the Czech Republic.
The primary goals and objectives of Global Consulting Group are comprehensive assistance and operational resolution of the economic and juridical problems of the clients, to disseminate international legal knowledge and protect the rights and freedoms of foreign and local companies and entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic.“

GLOBAL CONSULTING GROUP s.r.o. currently - Changes and events in the company
Business Register GLOBAL CONSULTING GROUP s.r.o. Show only signed
28.8.2014 Registration of other facts: The commercial corporation was subordinated to the Act as a whole in accordance with the procedure of § 777 (5) of Act No. 90/2012 Coll., On Commercial Companies ...
14.8.2013 Change with partner with deposit BOGDAN TARENKO, change of address, deposit: 160 000, -Kč, repaid: 100%.
14.8.2013 Amendment: Member of the statutory body, executive director BOHDAN TARANENKO, the day of the establishment of the office on 23.6.2004.
14.8.2013 Amendment: Member of the statutory body, executive director BOGDAN TARENKO, change of address.
14.8.2013 Registered partner with deposit BOHDAN TARANENKO, deposit: 160 000, -Kč, paid: 100%
14.8.2013 Change of registered office from Prague 1 - Nové Město, Hybernská 1009/24, Post Code 11000 to Křemencova 186/7, Nové Město, 110 00 Praha 1
22.9.2011 Change of seat from Prague 1 - Staré Město, Na Příkopě 958/25, postcode 11000 to Prague 1 - Nové Město, Hybernská 1009/24, postal code 11000
15.11.2010 Change of registered office in Prague 1, Hybernská 1613/38, postcode 11000 to Prague 1 - Staré Město, Na Příkopě 958/25, postcode 11000
15.11.2010 Registered activity: rental of real estate, flats and non-residential premises ...
15.11.2010 Registered business: production, trade and services not listed in appendices 1 to 3 of the Trade Licensing Act ...
15.11.2010 Deleted activity: rental of real estate, flats and non-residential premises and provision of basic services ensuring proper operation of real estate, apartments and non-residential premises ...
15.11.2010 Deleted business activity: business, financial, organizational and economic consultants ...
15.11.2010 Deleted business subject: specialized retail ...
15.11.2010 Deleted business subject: advertising activity and marketing ...
15.11.2010 Deleted business: mediation services ...
15.11.2010 Deleted business: real estate ...
15.11.2010 Deleted business: intermediation of business and services ...
15.11.2010 Deleted subject of business: operating a travel agency ...
15.11.2010 Deleted business: rental and lending of movable ...
11.4.2008 Change of registered office in Prague 3, Tachovské náměstí 90/2, 13000 in Prague 1, Hybernská 1613/38, postal code 11000
4.12.2006 Change with partner with deposit Oleksandr Lopatynskyi, deposit: 20 000, -Kč, paid: 100%.
4.12.2006 Change with partner with deposit Olena Taranenko, deposit: 20 000, -Kč, paid: 100%.
4.12.2006 Registered shareholder Bogdan Taranenko, deposit: 160 000, -Kč, repaid: 100%
4.12.2006 Deleted partner with Olena Fedotova's stake
4.12.2006 Deleted partner with deposit Oleksandr Lopatynskyi
4.12.2006 Deleted partner with deposit Bogdan Taranenko
4.12.2006 Change in capital from CZK 200,000, repaid: 50% to CZK 200,000, repaid: 100%
4.12.2006 Registered object of business: rental and lending of movable ...
4.12.2006 Incorporated subject of business: operating a travel agency ...
4.12.2006 Registered business: intermediation of trade and services ...
4.12.2006 Registered business: real estate ...
1.12.2004 Registered business: intermediation of services ...
1.12.2004 Entered business: advertising and marketing ...
23.6.2004 The establishment of GLOBAL CONSULTING GROUP s.r.o.

No contact information!



Energobud s.r.o. currently - Changes and events in the company
Commercial Register Energobud s.r.o. Show only signed
27.8.2014 Registration of other facts: The business corporation was subordinated to the Act as a whole in accordance with the procedure of § 777 (5) of Act No. 90/2012 Coll., On Commercial Companies ...
8.8.2013 Change of registered office from Prague 1 - New Town, Hybernská 1009/24, Post Code 11000 to Křemencova 186/7, Nové Město, 110 00 Praha 1
2.11.2011 Amendment: Statutory body member, executive director Vadim Redko, change of address.
2.11.2011 Change of registered office from Prague 2, Ječná 15/547, Post Code 12000 to Prague 1 - Nové Město, Hybernská 1009/24, Postal Code 11000
15.10.2009 Registered object of business: rental of real estate, flats and non-residential premises ...
15.10.2009 Registered business: production, trade and services not listed in appendices 1 to 3 of the Trade Licensing Act ...
15.10.2009 Deleted business: rental of real estate, flats and non-residential premises without the provision of other basic services for the proper operation of real estate, apartments and non-residential premises ...
28.12.2007 Change with shareholder Vadim Redko, change of address, deposit: 200 000, -Kč, paid: 100%.
28.12.2007 Registered member of the statutory body, executive director Vadim Redko, registered as of 25.4.2007.
28.12.2007 Deleted member of the statutory body, executive director Vadym Redko.
28.12.2007 Change of registered office from Prague 2, Ječná 547/15, post code 12000 to Prague 2, Ječná 15/547, postal code 12000
1.10.2007 Registered member of the statutory body, executive director Vadym Redko, registered as of 25.4.2007.
1.10.2007 Deleted member of the statutory body, executive director Bogdan Taranenko, the day of termination of office on April 25,
1.10.2007 Change of seat from Prague 3 - Žižkov, Pod lipami 2513/2, postal code 13000 to Prague 2, Ječná 547/15, postal code 12000
30.5.2006 The establishment of Energobud s.r.o.

No contact information!



Privatoria s.r.o. currently - Changes and events in the company
Business Register Privatoria s.r.o. Show only signed
16.2.2017 Change: Member of the Statutory Body, Managing Director of Aleksei Malyshev, the day of the appointment date of 13.2.2017.
16.2.2017 Registered partner with deposit OLEKSIY POTOTSKYY, deposit: 60 000, -Kč, paid: 100%
16.2.2017 Registered partner with deposit Aleksei Malyshev, deposit: 80 000, -Kč, paid: 100%
16.2.2017 Registered shareholder with deposit Pavlo Sidelov, deposit: 60 000, -Kč, paid: 100%
16.2.2017 Deleted Member of the Statutory Body, Managing Director Vadim Redko, Date of termination of office 13.2.2017.
16.2.2017 Deleted partner with deposit Energobud s.r.o., IČO: 27563201, deposit: 120 000, -Kč, paid: 100%.
16.2.2017 Deleted partner with the deposit of Cyber ​​Force Group s.r.o., IČO: 01987232, deposit: 80 000, -Kč, paid: 100%.
4.8.2016 Registered member of the statutory body, executive director Vadim Redko, the date of the function of 2.8.2016.
4.8.2016 Deleted member of the statutory body, executive BOHDAN TARANENKO, the day of termination of office 2.8.2016.
4.8.2016 Deleted partner with deposit GLOBAL CONSULTING GROUP s.r.o., IČO: 27160963, deposit: 60 000, -Kč, paid: 100%.
20.10.2014 New document in the collection of documents: C 215516 / SL3 / MSPH financial statements [2013]
1.9.2014 New document in the collection of documents: C 215516 / SL2 / MSPH notarial record NZ 1216/2014
26.8.2014 Registration of other facts: The business corporation was subordinated to the Act as a whole in accordance with § 777 (5) of Act No. 90/2012 Coll., On Commercial Companies ...
23.9.2013 New document in the collection of documents: C 215516 / SL1 / MSPH founding documents, notarial record NZ 633/2013
19.9.2013 Establishment of Privatoria s.r.o.


Second hand info:


Czech text translated to English by Google translator:

You probably have not heard about the startup. In the Czech Republic, it is one of the most improbable - this May, the Financial IT magazine has been included in the category of emerging fines of startup stars from around the world. And over time it is planned to become a WordPress or Ubuntu of its field.
The 20-member team, led by Alex Malyshev and Pavel Sidelov in Prague, has been developing a platform for company fines as a backend-as-a-service since 2013. And because of this, they consider themselves rather a tech-fin company and not a fin-tech.

"What is at all? It is a software development kit for finance, from the beginning it is designed especially for developers and technical part of the development of any financial service. We cover many areas, from e-money to online payments, "says Pavlo Sidelov in a Tynternet interview.

Pavlo Sidelov

But as he adds - it's not a final product, like most blacktop boots. This startup develops sets of components that can then be combined into the processes. Clients thus save development time, which can focus on frontend development and user platforms.

In practice, it works as follows: If you decide to start your own fines startup (or as a corporate you decide to expand your services), you need to develop several key elements such as payment gateways, wallets, transaction systems and much more ...

It's nothing new, basically, all these solutions on each platform are the same. So instead of "re-inventing the bike," you can buy this solution from SDK.Finance and save time, for example, to develop better customer service.

"Classical payment-service-providers or electronic money-institutions take a year to develop a software platform, even in the first version. This requires a lot of resources in development, architecture, and so on. We will reduce this time several times and we will be able to develop the projects much faster, "explains Sidelov, a native of Ukraine, who decided to remain in the Czech Republic after his move to Prague in 2011.

They divide their clients into two groups - starter startups who want to run a new product, or established financial institutions that, on the contrary, already have a working solution, but need to update them to current standards or expand them with new services.

The clients have no need, currently in the SDK. The funds have run fifteen projects, another fifteen have already been completed and orders come literally from all over the world. It does not want to comment on the startup sales level, but admits that the cost of one platform for a large corporation is even at the level of a million euros.

From the blackbox through the API to the opensource standard of its industry
At present, more than two hundred different APIs * are divided into nearly 60 groups in the SDK.Finance library. Originally, however, the platform worked in the blackbox mode - black boxes provided to clients who do not have a clear overview of what is happening inside.

* API (Application Programming Interface) refers to an interface, in other words a collection of procedures, functions, classes or protocols that the programmer can use to develop the overall solution. As if you were writing a puzzle and missing a special piece - you go to the "library", which has all the extra pieces and adds it from elsewhere.

However, to simplify business operations, they have gradually switched to the APIs mentioned above, with which client programmers can work. This enables them to decide how concrete the final solution will look like.

The plan is to move to an even higher level, offering these APIs as an open source solution. This means that they will be available for free to anyone who is interested, while allowing them to change or modify anyway.

"By moving to open-source, we want to become the world's finest standard, just like WordPress is used to manage web content or Ubuntu for operating systems," says Sidelov.

However, several challenges have to be addressed before. Similarly to other companies standing on programmers with a high degree of specialization and experience, it is especially the search for people. However, it does not help in Prague, where the business department and Kiev is the center of development.

"Prague is not perfect for tech companies. There are high taxes here, support from the government almost does not exist, and when we look around, we fight for the brains of Germany, Austria, Great Britain ... Everybody is fighting for the same people, Asian countries are doing advertising at conferences, we can not see anything from the Czech Republic " Sidelov.

So they're thinking about moving? "Probably not, as a business, of course, we have to optimize our spending and think of ways to attract other employees. But on the Czech market it is very difficult to find a good developer with relevant experience. Maybe we can not attract them from Ukraine because it is a nightmare with visas“, he adds.

Cyber ​​Force Group s.r.o. currently - Changes and events in the company
Business Register Cyber ​​Force Group s.r.o. Show only signed
25.2.2015 Change with partner with deposit Pavlo Sidelov, change of address, deposit: 140 000, -Kč, paid: 100%.
25.2.2015 Change: Member of the statutory body, executive director Pavlo Sidelov, change of address.
5.11.2014 New document in the collection of documents: C 214245 / SL3 / MSPH financial statements [2013]
20.10.2014 New document in the collection of documents: C 214245 / SL2 / MSPH founding documents, notarial record NZ 1217/2014
16.9.2014 Registration of other facts: The commercial corporation was subordinated to the Act as a whole in accordance with § 777 (5) of Act No. 90/2012 Coll., On Commercial Companies ...
11.12.2013 Amendment: Member of the Statutory Body, Managing Director of Aleksei Malyshev, the date of appointment 22.11.2013.
11.12.2013 Registered shareholder with deposit Aleksei Malyshev, deposit: 20 000, -Kč, paid: 100%
11.12.2013 Registered shareholder Roman Pashchak, deposit: CZK 20,000, repaid: 100%
11.12.2013 Registered partner with deposit of Pavlo Sidelov, deposit: 140 000, -Kč, paid: 100%
11.12.2013 Deleted partner with the deposit of Pavel Sidelov
16.8.2013 New document in the collection of documents: C 214245 / SL1 / MSPH founding documents, notarial record NZ 524/2013
14.8.2013 Establishment of Cyber ​​Force Group s.r.o.



Recent changes
and Startmeup s.r.o events
4.4.2018 Amendment: Statutory Body Member, Managing Director Mgr. BOHDAN TARANENKO, the day of the function of 3.4.2018.
4.4.2018 Registered shareholder with contribution Mgr. BOHDAN TARANENKO, Deposit: 200 000, -CZK, Paid: 100%
4.4.2018 Deleted partner with ALEXEY NASONOV deposit
4.4.2018 Deleted member of the statutory body, executive director ALEXEY NASONOV.
4.4.2018 Deleted partner with ALEKSEI DENGIN
4.4.2018 Deleted partner with EGOR MOKIN holding
17.2.2017 Establishment of Startmeup s.r.o.

Declared bussiness activities:

Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles, Advertising activities, Retail trade, except of motor vehicles
Bohdan Taranenko 100 % owner and CEO

No homepage, no email address, no telephone number


I am convinced: All these companies are essential elements of "WORLDCORE ECOSYSTEM" aka KRYMOV SYSTEM - and also BITCOIN EUROPE ASSOCIATION and Dmitrij LUZAN´s PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER (without any contact info, too).

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
May 14, 2018, 08:47:35 AM
WORLDCORE stole our money! According to the results of 2017, the total profit, let's say, was about 1 million dollars but in fact the amount is less, reasoning from the dynamics. It is also seen that guys earn slightly less than 1% of turnover that is well within the business model of such a processing company. But this is income! What is the net profit? What are the costs of the team? 30% will be accrued from undistributed profits, what are the forecasts for it? Is there some business plan for the next 2-3 years?

Let's just count. Let's say that in 2018 the guys will grow by 5 times (taking a strongly positive option). Black ink income will be 5 million dollars. How much money is needed for expenses? Let's say - 0 (we're very positive investors)! 1 million 500 thousand dollars will be allocated for the distribution to investors. Let's allocate them on 25M funds attracted in shares. We get 0,006 per token. It is 6% for the year and those fantastic figures that I gave. Everything will certainly be less in reality. I think a penny will reach the distribution. Complete fog as of 2019.

Worldcore can you provide predictive financial plan for 2018-2019 with the included consumable part? Are you alive, Hey! It's about you -

Crypto-currency windup of the Russian swindler Pavel Krymov Worldcore deceives its investors! The clauses of the road map are not met:
1. Expansion of the marketing budget, sales volume and marketing team to triplicate the growth rate (4th quarter of 2017).
2. Membership in VISA, Mastercard, China Unionpay, SWIFT, SEPA (1st quarter of 2018).
3. Launching of branded and co-branded debit cards for businesses (1st quarter of 2018).

Look out! Worldcore is a fraudulent project for collecting money. Do not take token WRC!

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