seem you guys got link it to bitcointalk? i assume that your site only promote in here?
its look simple and nice design, i might invest some minimum maybe to test it
but i think if this live long, it would be great profit for investor..
if you guys will live long... i dont want left negative comment since i dont know about this yet.. so im gonna invest a minimum.
Yeah, we've only promoted the site on BitcoinTalk.
We expect to be around for a while, since we're not a ponzi/pyramid/scam and, therefore, cannot collapse--
Thank you for your investment, we value it! If you run into any issues please don't hesitate to contact us!
I do not recommend invest in this....looks like scam...
What site pay you out of pocket? more like take money from pocket.
to simple, nothing special from what i see.
The whole point of Bitwise Investments is to acquire investments so that we can begin to do some more high-volume trades-- In fact, if you read our Terms and Conditions you will see that we actually guarantee the safety of your investment-- As such, we fully intend to pay you out of our own pocket if we cannot make the projected margin using your investment.
I do not recommend invest in this....looks like scam...
What site pay you out of pocket? more like take money from pocket.
to simple, nothing special from what i see.
You hate them 'cause you ain't them
i would rather not be hyip scammer... admin (nice alt)
Yes, this is an alt-- We chose to create an alt so that we could have an account that all admins could use to answer with under the Bitwise Investments name. This way, we could share the account account password between all of our admins, rather than having to answer individually (or worse, sharing the password from one of our non-alt accounts).