TCP-Port 443 (https)
What makes you think so?
There are no references to any sites (except the default hub) in the source code.
because little snitch tells my that the app wants to connect.
Google is known for adding a bunch of shit in every source-code they touch to "resolve" something on their servers. This could be information leakage, especially when using it over Tor - who knows what it sends to Google even if it is the hostname and datetime its too much.
@tonych, maybe see if there is a default option which has to be turned off when importing/using nwjs?
edit: just one issue, expect 100 more "accidents" by google. edit2: if using the chromiu-args proxy workaround, make it something else than, like to avoid more other problems.
everyone how is happy that i posted this can send my some bytes. i still don't have any.
thank you very much.
i am not sure if this is a security problem if you use a VPN.
but with tor? if not every connections is torified then this could really leak your IP.
i don't want to fud. i am just concerned about privacy. and i am not a hardcore techie.