Trading of crypto full time as an occupation is fast becoming a trend, this discuss is to elucidate the long term effects associated with crypto trading so that forum members who are considering it as a career option can know what they should be expecting and how to avoid it.
The very first long-term occupational hazard i can think of is the development of High blood pressure...
What can you add to the list of dangers associated with making crypto trading a full time occupation?
1. Eyesight deterioration. Staring at your monitor is known to deteriorate your eyesight, so a person dedicated to this activity will do so for longer periods of time than the average person which could lead to severe problems on their eyesight in the future.
2. Stress. Stress is known to aggravate a huge deal of other diseases like high blood pressure.
3. Gastrointestinal issues. I remember reading in a book long time ago that the pressure of trading the markets created more gastrointestinal issues in those that traded the markets compared to other professions.
4. Sleeping disorders. Have you ever lost a big trade? Almost all traders have and this can lead you to have problems getting to sleep, if the loss is big enough then it could take you months to recover and the same can be said about your regular sleep patterns, which down the line can lead to many more health issues.