Since I still have gpus I decided to buy a case using the $350 coupon. so a 600 dollar case became
$356.80 with shipping to me in New Jersey. Gear was in stock I ordered it on August 9th
Took cheap shipping and it was due in 30-40 days which would sept 9 to sept 19
It is now 60 days Oct 10. I will post to let you know if they send me a case or a refund.
This is more concerning as it is one of their main products a GPU case.
Well serves me right for giving them a chance to show they are back on track.
Bummer. Keep us updated on the case. If it goes well will you be ordering more of them or do you have some coupons to spare for a fellow miner who has never owned a GPU rack/case before? Maybe I could stop stockpiling PCs if I were to switch to something like this. My office is starting to look like a PC cemetery.
they finally sent me one it had 3 dead psu's in it and 1 good one. But cost was 356 it works fine after I grabbed replacement psu's for 11 a piece on ebay.
So 356+33 = 389 for a fully working case. It earns 2 bucks a day and free heat.