Hello dear,
And the final price is?PM please.
your interested?
Hello dear,
I can give you $50 PM if you want,of course without domains.IMO this is probably a more realistic price then what the OP is asking for. The quality of traffic to faucets is very poor and from what I have read adsense will not actually pay you for faucet traffic, they will ban you when it comes time to pay.
"The quality of traffic to faucets is very poor and from what I have read adsense will not actually pay you for faucet traffic, they will ban you when it comes time to pay."
another person that knows little of what he is talking about. May I ask where you have been reading this? if it was actually read, I can tell you I have gotten paid.
this post. I consider Blazr to be more reputable then a domain spammer.
"they will ban you when it comes time to pay." you know this because you have a website that pays out close to $3,000 a month right ? Because you have had your adsense account banned correct? wait you dont have an adsense account you dont even have a site that makes close to $100 a month am I correct?, or maybe again you dont know what the hell you are talking about like the rest of them.
I looked at the above post.
I have gotten paid and will continue to get paid.

How have you received payment? Was it deposited into your bank account, did you get it via paypal, did you get a check? Why don't you show evidence that you received actual payments as your word is worthless
I have a challenge for you
ask them if they still have their adsense account and also ask them how much they are making a month.
I will pass. I speculate that they are all owned by either you or other domain spammers. Either way I do not trust their word.
Its funny how you guys think you know about something when you actually never even had the chance to even own what you are disputing.
You are speculating here.
own a Faucet make it well known wait 4 months than contact me if you make less then $1500 I will pay you 2 btc.
Do you accept escrow? It would need to be $1,500 in profit, not revenue.
"I consider Blazr to be more reputable then a domain spammer."
your speculating here because he is a hero member.

do titles mean alot to you?
"Why don't you show evidence that you received actual payments as your word is worthless"
your speculating here.
Its funny how you guys think you know about something when you actually never even had the chance to even own what you are disputing. [/quote]You are speculating here.
I am not speculating because I know for a fact you never have its simple to prove because you never owned one.
"I will pass. I speculate that they are all owned by either you or other domain spammers. Either way I do not trust their word."
http://www.bitcoinaliens.com/ alexa 13,701
http://www.weekendbitcoin.com/ alexa 55,584
http://moonbit.co.in/ alexa 6,766
http://faucet.bitcoinzebra.com/ alexa 9,702
http://welovebtc.com/ alexa 200,000
http://icebitco.in/ 318,029
you think all of these are owned by me or domain spammers?
again this shows how little you actually know wtf you are talking about
check this site out
https://buysellads.com/buy/search/id/950402/ts/1424042097#/ your probably going to say well those clicks are bought and are low quality and what ever else your going to say.
escrow nah Ive done more trades than you have on here. the reason I say nah is because your not going to do it. you have no real interest in what you are talking about.