"kernel" : "scrypt,scrypt",
"gpu-fan" : "100,100",
"gpu-engine" : "800-930,800-930",
"temp-cutoff" : "92,92",
"temp-overheat" : "88,88",
"temp-target" : "85,85",
"scrypt" : true,
"auto-gpu" : true
Well it looks like your using scrypt which I know nothing about.
Your using auto gpu which is good. I don't know if your engine range is OK?
Your not using auto fan so I would enable that and set the range for the fans to something like 60-85 instead of running at 100. Still seems odd that your GPU is even reaching 92. Are you running with your case on?
Since your not using auto fan and running them at 100% the only variable to control the temperature is to lower the engine clock and the floor is 800.
Something is missing.