Asking again because I looked at the forum messages and couldn't find anyone else that asked this question but is it possible to add the SBC to a Standard Unit to make it a Full Node? Which SBC is it?
What is SBC? Single Board computer? Of course you can. You can install whatever you want under the skirt of standard miner, as long as it fits. But you have to use USB cable between Apollo miner and your custom SBC, as jstefanop uses proprietary GPIO connection protocol in Full node miner, so you can't use GPIO pins.
If you are planning to use exactly the same SBC - OrangePi 4 - this is possible. Full node and standard miner are exactly the same, one just has Orange Pi4 via GPIO and NVMe installed and other one doesn't. And full unit has different one side panel to accommodate HDMI and the likes on OrangePi.
I know as I replanted OrangePi successfully from one full node unit to standard unit, because USB port on standard unit was broken off when I opened the box!
So I removed OrangePi and bits and installed in that standard unit, making it a full node. It works, miner now works via GPIO not via USB port which was broken. Didn't wanted to claim warranty to jstefanop team and waste a month time, it was not worth it when I was already almost certain that it would work. And it did. Former full node is now stripped standard miner and it works as a slave to upgraded master miner.