is it possible to compile the 12 version on an Intel i3 Ubuntu machine and then copy it to and then run on the Pi2 ?
That is the advantage of ROKOS including all of them already (every compilation in pi takes time), next ROKOS update will include 0.12 and will release the binary for the ones that do not want to update to the new ROKOS so they can just download and replace on their systems.
Your proposal can be done but you will need the ARM toolchain to do cross compilation, as if you compile it directly on the i3 system it wont work on Pi because the different processors architectures.
Thanks for your answer. I started MAKE on the Pi2 and MAKE -j2 but the system hangs after 5 or 10 minutes and it doesn't make anymore. I will try to run the MAKE command when I start the system without GUI, if that is possible, have to find out how to do that.
Or else I will wait for the update. I want to run the fullnode 0.12 without prune option.